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Guest knloregon

Tsap seui,


Yes, there has been, there is, and will be more challenges for America, and we at the Candle get caught up in the cross-cultural, cross-border cross-fire more than most American can imagine.... (if they could, they certainly would be more sympthetic to Chinese efforts to emigrate)..


Sounds like you have made a big decision to cross to a very different culture and experience, and to be honest, I, like most here are a little jealous....



....just hope that when you go, you will remember you can, and are welcome back. Even old war protesters like me respect your service, and America, confounding as it is, still is America, with plenty good about it.



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These fall in prices are affecting the major cities now. It is reasonable to think that it will trickle down to the smaller cities but I wonder. My wife tells me that the smaller cities will not be affected as the price was fairly low to begin with. Food for thought Roger.


Never doubt your wife Charles... :roller:


I agree with her...I think the second and third tier cities will not see these tremendous drops because they have not seen the tremendous run-ups... :roller: Just one of the reasons, but not the most important, we decided on smaller cities... :roller:


The only thing I regret is that she tried to get me to invest in a Shenzhen house a couple of years ago but I wouldn't listen. :roller:

My GF did the same thing. I could have bought in at the heart of the city in Futian for a bit over 5k. It is now like 26k. Let it drop 150%, still would have been a good investment.

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Tsap seui,


Yes, there has been, there is, and will be more challenges for America, and we at the Candle get caught up in the cross-cultural, cross-border cross-fire more than most American can imagine.... (if they could, they certainly would be more sympthetic to Chinese efforts to emigrate)..


Sounds like you have made a big decision to cross to a very different culture and experience, and to be honest, I, like most here are a little jealous....



....just hope that when you go, you will remember you can, and are welcome back. Even old war protesters like me respect your service, and America, confounding as it is, still is America, with plenty good about it.





Kim, you have a good grasp of this whole immigration process. Some people just breeze through, 2 or 3 questions, okay..here's your visa.



Others get to see the underbelly of the beast.


I once saw the underbelly of the beast as it sent young kids to their deaths for absolutely nothing, with no plan and no guts...it was like those grocery clerks back then were running the war with the 6 o'clock news as their advisors. I bought into all that crap we were taught in school in the 50's and 60's, volunteered to serve and protect, went to war and saw that my patriotism had been stuck up my ass, and broken off. At least I got as many wonded to hospitals as I could, not that the grocery clerks cared.


Now, a different set of grocery clerks is going to deny me my woman?....I don't think so, Uncle Sam...first time you screw me, shame on you, second time you screw me, shame on me for letting you. :)


I think you realize I am NOT some disgruntled old fart who is throwing his finger up at Uncle Sam and running off...nope, I am rational, adventurous, and a free spirit. Truth be told, I always thought those draft dodgers who ran off to Canada were more adventurous then me joinin' the green machine as a chopper pilot and puttin' myself on the front line. :rolleyes:


I am only stuck here in Uncle Samville until my daughter finishes her last year of college...and we may get a visa yet. I only care about the visa, now, so my wife can get her "american freedom" to travel, as she puts it. It will make it easier for us to travel down under and to and fro China, until she gets her dream of america under her belt and we take that final, one way, flight on United flight 857 out of Dulles airport to Beijing. In the meantime I will be one of her american Chinese language students and I will take the courses to prepare myslf for becoming an english teacher...thank you again Chawls. All my extra money and the proceeds from the sale of my house and Harley will go to a bank in China ;) while the gittin' is still good.


Had enough foolishness, yep...angry, not hardly. :P


Visa or no damned visa, thank you Uncle Sam for the nudge in the right direction, by your disrespectful and extremely disgraceful actions towards my wife and our son.


tsap seui

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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I just got off a very rewarding 2 hour conversation with the little rabbit and this topic was one of the big ones in our discussions.


Until tonight she has been very touchy about me, even remotely, mentioning my going to China to live, and maybe teaching english....my head has the lumps to prove it :lol: ...but I planted the seed, firmly, a month or two ago.


Tonight, I found the right moment to, sublimily, edge into the subject of what is happening in america as she was talking about things she was seeing on Chinese TV.


Add in the fact of what she is seeing how the americans in Guano (GUZ) treat her with her visa (after all our hard work preparing), her staying on top (and fear of) the falling dollar to the RMB, her talking to our son's teacher yesterday about american's teaching english in his school, and....I got the chance to water and fertilize the seed I planted months ago...even gave it some sunshine. ;) Hot damn!!!!


I've been saying how this process is making me re-evaluate myself as an american and my evolving personally from this last straw on my back from the american government.


We're still hoping she can come to america, and get the "freedom to travel" green card. It's already been cast for her to have a room and area in my ex-wifes New Age shop and we already have people waiting for her to get here and teach them Chinese, as well as sell small gifts from China, paint fingernails, sell herbal medicines, and those Chinese teas. Heck she can do all that when she gets here. No need to wait to study english..and it's just small time anyhow, maybe it'll take off or maybe it'll just be play money, but she will be busy as soon as she wants to be.


TONIGHT, I finally got approval to send the proceeds from my house to China, when it sells. She saw the exchange rate of the money I sent today, and said "Oh, my God...america money more and more small". Yep...it is ain't it?


In 2001/2002 the Aussie dollar was 2 to 1USD, Canadian dollars were like slugs and now look at them both. And the Yuan...well, no need for me to tell you guys where it's at since September 2006 (for example).


I tell ya what...I've kept my sense of humor through all this bullshit from Guano, the DOS, sending useless letters to Congressmen, and the president..even trying to use my volunteered combat background as leverage...only to see in the DOS letter I got, that some old american woman with Guano is the one who holds our american future in her hands, and we'll have NO RECOURSE to her decision... BY LAW...oh yeah, maybe I can get the Attorney general to look into it...and how many years do you think that would take??


I am not bitter at all, I am just taking it all in and evolving. I've turned in my Vette, Monday will turn in my '06 Avalanche, and selling my Harley on Wednesday...meanwhile...my beloved old glory...she's frozen in the mud and can't even flap anymore...that sucks yaw, but that's just the way it is. I can understand anyone that wants to take offense to that, as I served my time in sustained hardcore combat for your right to do so.


Man, I feel like a new man tonight ;)


America...love it or leave it.....well, I've loved it a damn long time, but I may be leaving it in a couple of years. How long does it take to get a ten year green card? If the lil' rabbit is even allowed to come over here :lol:


I hope she can get the green card so we can travel at our leisure, but the next house I buy....it ain't gonna be in america, bubba.


tsap seui


Well assuming it will be about three years from now until you can get the 10 year card...That would put us about two years behind you in making the jump... ;) But I'll be looking at retirement without the need to teach/work any more because this dude will be 65 and collecting SS benefits and a state pension...Just sittin' back and takin' it easy... :rolleyes: If I was younger though it would be a tough choice... :unsure: Best of luck with the plant you're growin'... :D

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A bit too late for me to bail out.

Lost a bit of money in the real estate stock and engergy stock and just committed USD$1.2 mm in real estate investment.

JUst have to hope that this drop is just temporary.

It is a sword that cuts both ways. Last night just signed a contract for 2.3 b RMB for our company to buy a shopping mall and over the next three weeks expect to enter another contract for 1.4 billion RMB. For the first half of last year was not able to buy anything for our company. But since the market started to fall we have committed about 800 mm US. If it drops further, we will raise a third fund to invest.

For my own loss on my investment and exchange rate, I just ask my company for a raise and bonus to compensate for it.

:D :P :P B)


good on you and you are luck, company can give you bonus and compensation :exclaim: :huh: :o :P B) B) B)

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Thanks, and good luck to you Kim and young Roger.


The more I think, and talk about teachin' with Chawls, the more I think I will like it. And the money will be okay, if your plan is to live in China.


I can't carry a note in a 55 gallon drum but I have found I really like singin' Karioke to an audience that doesn't understand a word I'm singin' :rolleyes: I've been workin' on the moves and I get up there and pretend I'm a cross between Frank Sinatra, Steven Tyler, Curly (3 Stooges), and Wayne Newton onstage in Vegas as I screech out the songs. My new family loves hearin' me sing (if you could remotely call it that) and they think I'm great. Maybe I'll have a new career...I'll call myself Fig Newton, travel the "karijoke" clubs, and put on my act for :whistling: Chinese.


tsap seui

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Thanks, and good luck to you Kim and young Roger.


The more I think, and talk about teachin' with Chawls, the more I think I will like it. And the money will be okay, if your plan is to live in China.


How do you figure that what expat English teachers make in China is ok?



Bill, living in China, how much do you think I would need to make in China for it to be okay?


If I own a house with the lil' rabbit, have a VA service connected disability check each month, have some money in the bank, ain't worried about owning a car, and our sons private school is paid for by his father and his parents.


I'm curious and not being sarcastic with my question. I like not having to pave the way for others or having to re-invent the wheel, so I'm askin' ya.


tsap seui

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I heard on CNBC Asia Lan Xue expects the RMB to appreciate about 10% against the dollar for 2008. That means the dollar will be about 6.50 yuan to the dollar by end of 2008.

She said the yuan appreciated 7% for 2007

I wired $500 to China this morning. The receiver got 3590RMB.



Dennis, I wired $500 on 1/19/08, the lil' rabbit got 3,602RMB, the good ol' days are fadin' off in the sunset.


tsap seui

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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I heard on CNBC Asia Lan Xue expects the RMB to appreciate about 10% against the dollar for 2008. That means the dollar will be about 6.50 yuan to the dollar by end of 2008.

She said the yuan appreciated 7% for 2007

I wired $500 to China this morning. The receiver got 3590RMB.



Dennis, I wired $500 on 1/19/08, the lil' rabbit got 3,602RMB, the good ol' days are fadin' off in the sunset.


tsap seui

Still, lots of carrots for your lil rabbit, Tsap. :bounce8:


I just equate what the value of the recipient getting 7+ times what we send and how much they will benefit from it.


Sure, those good ole days are slowly fading. But, I am certain that receiving 3500RMB isn't much different than us receiving $3500 in the mail. :redblob:


I ain't whining. And, I am sure our Chinese family isn't either. :greenblob:

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Thanks, and good luck to you Kim and young Roger.


The more I think, and talk about teachin' with Chawls, the more I think I will like it. And the money will be okay, if your plan is to live in China.


How do you figure that what expat English teachers make in China is ok?



Bill, living in China, how much do you think I would need to make in China for it to be okay?


If I own a house with the lil' rabbit, have a VA service connected disability check each month, have some money in the bank, ain't worried about owning a car, and our sons private school is paid for by his father and his parents.


This is a tough question because it depends on lifestyles.


Let's start by assuming that you have no mortgage payments and that your house is the average 80 m2 and situated in southern China where the weather is relatively mild. I will quote amounts in RMB per month unless otherwise indicated in $ -- today's exchange rate is slightly south of 7.3.


Monthly utility payments (phone, ADSL, electricity, gas and management fees) will set you back on average 1,300.


Transportation expenses per active adult would be about 200 per month assuming you only use bus. An occasional use of taxi would double that amount and frequent use of taxi would probably put you at about 800 or higher.


200 per month per adult would be a fair amount to budget for medical expenses -- the occassional cold, flu or dental visit -- but only if you use the government hospitals and not private hospitals. If using private hospitals or clinics, you'd be better with a budget of about $200 per month.


Food is cheap. If you're eating all your meals at home and buying your raw materials in the local wet market, you could expect a family of three to need about 1,500 per month. Add another 1,000 or so if you eat out only once or twice per week.


Owning your own home saves you from paying rent, but not normal and / or unexpected maintenance. There's always the 300 per month that goes to having to fix or replace some thing or another.


Clothing is cheap, but it depends on your size. You'd do well to budget about 200 per month for clothing if you can wear what you find in the street markets. If you can't, make it 500. If you are an XL or above, make it 1,000 -- at least.


Chinese families (i.e. two breadwinners) in bigger cities typically struggle on a total household income of 6,000 a month. In smaller, third-tier, cities, 5,000 might be enough to get buy on if you have a lifestyle similar to the average Chinese family -- which can be quite frugal.


Needless to say, family vacations or trips will add considerably to your budget as will any Western-style amenities to which you are accustomed.


Depending on what type of city you live in, expats working as English teachers can earn, on average, between 2,000 to 7,000 per month in a full-time position. It's probably easy to find more lucrative sporadic part-time work, but that would usually not get you a work visa without which your stay in China will probably be very, very short once the authorities find you working. Make sure you find an employer who is authorized to hire expats and can obtain all the proper documentation for you to obtain work authorization.


Keep in mind that many provinces will not allow an expat to teach English unless they can show a valid 4-year degree. Also, schools tend not to employ the same expat for more than a year or two no matter how good they are because of the new labor law. Some also have an age limit.


Working, though, will add to your expenses not only in transportation, but also expenses for the occassional meal out when you can't go home for lunch to additional incidental expenses. Add another 700 for those expenses plus about 300 for income tax.

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