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Bringing Mom and Dad to the Wedding

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Hello all! I hope everyone is doing well. My li'l Angel is in America and her Biometrics appointment is on the 4th. Hooray!


Anywho, we are planning our wedding celebration. Of course, we are inviting her mother, father, and brother. Now, we are helping them to prepare for their B Visa appointment. I have read some good advice on other threads, but most of it seems to be a few years old.


So, in the words of the Katha Upanishad,


"There is no other teacher such as you to be found. This thing I would know as taught by you."


Of course, we have a general schedule of events and we know where her family will stay for each event. But, we haven't made flight arrangements yet (as you know, most people say it is always better to make flight and hotel arrangements AFTER you receive the visa).


How should we communicate this to the VO? Should we say, "Yes, we have made specific arrangements" and give a general schedule and say when and where we will be, even though we don't know flight numbers yet? Or is it better to just say, "We are still considering the exact dates for coming and going because of the way airplane ticket costs change and because it is so far in the future"?


Also, about paying for the trip; Her parents will pay for their airfare and whatnot. But I will guarantee their expenses. I have communicated this in a letter to the VO, but on the forms, we have written that her family will pay their own way. This, of course, is the true state of affairs. But, because I will guarantee the costs, should I write that I will pay their way? I don't think so, but I don't know much about visa law.


Well, hooray, everyone. Thanks for your help! Next time you're in Cincinnati, let us know!

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I have recently completed research into this subject of the visitor visa and have talked at length about this with an American immigration attorney in Guangzhou. This was not for me, but for a friend/associate.


The prime issue here is ¡®strong ties¡¯ to the PRC.


These travel visas are somewhat difficult to obtain, depending on the individual, their age and their circumstances. You do not specify the age and/or status of the brother, but I think his visa may be more problematic, depending on those facts. However, if mom and dad, can demonstrate strong ties and pass this test, then they may be granted the visitor¡¯s visa. Some have had success and some have not.


Strong ties, can include age, home ownership, financial security in the PRC (money in the bank) strong family and/or business connections to the PRC and other evidence which gives confidence to the VO that the individual(s) will return to the PRC before the visa expires.


It is important to craft/frame the letter and application as well as provide evidence, in a manner which will give the VO confidence that the parties have these strong ties and will return to the PRC. And yes, your guarantees that they will not become public charges while in the US, will be important. Moreover, the roundtrip air ticket will also be important.


IMO, if you have confidence in your abilities in this regard, then go for it. If not, don¡¯t waste the effort; seek some help from a professional who specializes with travel visas to the US and who understands the process and the mind-set and can assess your families situation. This individual can also supply you with a list of evidence items to attach to the application, depending on the individual circumstance. Normally, this is not an expensive endeavor.

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you may run into several roadblocks, unless you can prove with substantial financial and empirical evidence they will not try to stay in the US.


My friend had a host of issues denying his petition for his Mother in Law to visit his Chinese wife with their new baby. He had to escalate it to his State Representative in behalf of himself through an attorney. The process took ~6 months or so, after the initial denial.


Good luck...

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