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Can I pick up the visa in the same day?

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When we picked up our visa in March, Li went in at 9AM and showed them the notice and passport. She had to come back at 4PM to pick up the visa. So we got it the same day. I have also heard, however, that others had to come back the next day. In either case, be sure to check the visa carefully, making sure there are no mistakes in the spelling of names, birthdates, etc. Better safe than sorry as these little mistakes can cause big problems later on. Good luck! :angry:

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Guest R2D2
When we  picked up our visa in March, Li went in at 9AM and showed them the notice and passport. She had to come back at 4PM to pick up the visa. So we got it the same day. I have also heard, however, that others had to come back the next day. In either case, be sure to check the visa carefully, making sure there are no mistakes in the spelling of names, birthdates, etc. Better safe than sorry as these little mistakes can cause big problems later on. Good luck! :lol:

Best to use a visa service for $30 to $50.

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Plenty of people out in front of the GZ consulate offering "visa services". What they promise and what is costs varies according to what they think they can scam you out of. They might be useful, but expensive, if your financee needs help with an English language form, a photo or a copy, but other than that sort of thing, I would say stay away from them.

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