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OT: Web hosting

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When I am in China I want to keep up a website for friends and family here. Can anyone make a recommendation for a good, cheap web hosting place I can use? I don't want to use geocities or any other place that puts pop ups or ads.



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Wow, good point Owen. I know of the sites that are blocked but never thought of how much of a pain it would be to update a site if it were blocked. I'd have to VPN into a safe server here and then upload my work...what a pain.


Do you or anyone here know how the sites are blocked? Is it by domain name or IP? I want a site with it's own domain name, I think it would be safe. I just want to keep an online journal of my life in China for friends and family here. Maybe upload some pictures and stuff too.

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Wow, good point Owen. I know of the sites that are blocked but never thought of how much of a pain it would be to update a site if it were blocked. I'd have to VPN into a safe server here and then upload my work...what a pain.


Do you or anyone here know how the sites are blocked? Is it by domain name or IP? I want a site with it's own domain name, I think it would be safe. I just want to keep an online journal of my life in China for friends and family here. Maybe upload some pictures and stuff too.

Like Owen mentioned, you need to check to see what is blocked and what is not. As to the content of your web site, be sure not to include anything that is critical of the government in any way. Also nothing related to what I call the "Three T Rule". Tiannamen, Taiwan, and Tibet. These are all sensitive subjects in China. Also best to avoid Falun Gong.

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Thanks for the info. And thanks for the heads up on the 3 Ts. I don't plan on getting into anything political at all, just want to document my life there for folks here. I'll start with Assorted Internet first and see what they have. Does the $4.99/Mo include the domain name? I haven't registered a domain name since InterNic was the only show in town....showing my age here :)

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VERY good point about being careful about what you start posting while you are in China. Be best to avoid the FG? Avoid it like the plague! No matter what you personally believe or don't, even talking about it can get you deported in a hurry, maybe even spend some time in the friendly (not) PSB detention facility. The three T's are definately off limits also.


China just passed a new, even tougher, law on internet control. Harsher penalties for posting or even viewing what are considered "inappropriate" or "forbidden" material. Trouble is that, as with most things in China, the PSB make the decisions on what is forbidden on the fly. Different areas may ban different things.


Generally, foreigners don't get bothered unless they are publicly critical of the government or they are sharing banned information with Chinese citizens. However you should at least be aware that even using a proxy server is technically illegal here.

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Thanks for the info. And thanks for the heads up on the 3 Ts. I don't plan on getting into anything political at all, just want to document my life there for folks here. I'll start with Assorted Internet first and see what they have. Does the $4.99/Mo include the domain name? I haven't registered a domain name since InterNic was the only show in town....showing my age here :D

Much has changed since the "old days" of the mid 90's when interNIC was the only show in town and charged $70 biannually for each domain name. I have used GoDaddy to register my domain names for the last 3 years. The price is just $8.95/year, they are quick, and it is very easy to make changes in your DNS if you should ever decide to change your host.


Web hosting price does not include the domain name. Domain name is something you choose and register with a domain registar company such as GoDaddy. There is one registar I would definitely stay away from: Network Solutions, aka NetSol, a Veri Sign company. They are expensive, elusive, shady, and difficult to make changes or discontinue.


If you have any specific technical questions in re setting up your website, PM me.

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