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Just wishing all you "fathers" a Happy Father's Day ! Mike & Zhen



Mike, from one Father to another, thank you so much for caring !! :P


And a Happy Father's Day to you too !!!!!


Best wishes to you and your family always !!


Roger and Hongxia :)

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I was thinking of my father today. He died 2 1/2 years ago. He has always been and still is my hero. He is the standard to which I hold other men and find them lacking. As a little boy the safest place in the world was my father's lap. There are times even now when I wish I could crawl up in his lap and be safe from the world. When he died we had him cremated and took his ashes to my family's mountain cabin in Idaho. We planted a blue spruce tree with his ashes and put a small marker carved in a river rock by the tree. The custom now is whenever anyone visits the cabin they write a note to him and tie it to the tree.

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I was thinking of my father today. He died 2 1/2 years ago. He has always been and still is my hero. He is the standard to which I hold other men and find them lacking. As a little boy the safest place in the world was my father's lap. There are times even now when I wish I could crawl up in his lap and be safe from the world. When he died we had him cremated and took his ashes to my family's mountain cabin in Idaho. We planted a blue spruce tree with his ashes and put a small marker carved in a river rock by the tree. The custom now is whenever anyone visits the cabin they write a note to him and tie it to the tree.

That's a great tribute and tradition for your family to honor your father, Carl. I would guess and hope that mountain cabn will stay in the family forever.


Happy Father's Day, Dads all.

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Just one thing to remember, Chinese don¡¯t celebrate Fathers Day. Not to worry though Carl called the house and told Lusheng that Bruce Willis was gay :) That made my Fathers Day :D


Thats not true.

My lao po said they celebrate fathers day on 8-8 (August 8).

For those of you who speak mandarin, you know the 8 is pronounced ba and father is ba ba, so august 8 is ba ba, thus they celebrate fathers day on ba ba day.

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Just one thing to remember, Chinese don¡¯t celebrate Fathers Day. Not to worry though Carl called the house and told Lusheng that Bruce Willis was gay :D That made my Fathers Day :D


Thats not true.

My lao po said they celebrate fathers day on 8-8 (August 8).

For those of you who speak mandarin, you know the 8 is pronounced ba and father is ba ba, so august 8 is ba ba, thus they celebrate fathers day on ba ba day.

My wife is laughing at this one and my twins too, she said good luck on pulling this one off :)

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