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Question about new "future" immigration laws.........

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I don't know if you were referring to my question I asked in this thread but some of your earlier threads indicated that you were flip flopping as to wanting or not wanting your relationship to work out. I was simply confused as to what you were wanting. Sorry if I offended you.

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It might be tougher for her to get passed removal of conditions as separate rather than as divorced...


Divorce happens and means you guys put the past to rest and both are moving on; separation means her relationship (and reason for being in this country) is not in a good position and she must have a sponsor (you), but that's the person she's having the problem with...


Now, adding in the allegations in her file, I'm not sure she would pass. If you don't want her getting something, then you can add more allegations.. but frankly, they have yet to hear her side of the story.. and if she goes alone to any interview, she will get her say (and now your the one not there to speak your rebutt to her comments)...

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It might be tougher for her to get passed removal of conditions as separate rather than as divorced...


Divorce happens and means you guys put the past to rest and both are moving on; separation means her relationship (and reason for being in this country) is not in a good position and she must have a sponsor (you), but that's the person she's having the problem with...


Now, adding in the allegations in her file, I'm not sure she would pass. If you don't want her getting something, then you can add more allegations.. but frankly, they have yet to hear her side of the story.. and if she goes alone to any interview, she will get her say (and now your the one not there to speak your rebutt to her comments)...



This is what I'm thinking. ICE has only heard his part of the story. I have no idea if it'll be easier or harder for her to remove conditions on her own--as I'm not privy to the actual truth of their messy situation--but I suspect USCIS will give her ample opportunities to provide her side of the story. No conviction has been rendered onto her, as to her guilt or innocence, so I doubt we can conclude one way or the other whether she'll be able to get it removed on her own.


With regards to the proposed legislation, nothing has been passed and in fact the legislation is still moving through the Senate. It still needs to pass through the House. We really have no idea what the actual bill will be like when it reaches the Pres, or if it'll even reach the Pres.

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It might be tougher for her to get passed removal of conditions as separate rather than as divorced...


Divorce happens and means you guys put the past to rest and both are moving on; separation means her relationship (and reason for being in this country) is not in a good position and she must have a sponsor (you), but that's the person she's having the problem with...


Now, adding in the allegations in her file, I'm not sure she would pass. If you don't want her getting something, then you can add more allegations.. but frankly, they have yet to hear her side of the story.. and if she goes alone to any interview, she will get her say (and now your the one not there to speak your rebutt to her comments)...


Will you even be notified of a hearing if she does come back ?

I would be very concerned about what financial obligations I would be responsible for .

It seems that you are haunted by this woman and her past ,present and maybe future actions .

It is not a position anyone would wish to be in , I hope that there are something that is positive occuring to balance out the negative stress.

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