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Water water everywhere!

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Doesn't anyone like having the whole bathroom being a shower? I love it! So what if things get wet?! It is a "bathroom"! We have recently built, but never lived in, a newly constructed apartment in Zhanjiang. My dear wife at least put in a western toilet for me in one of the bathrooms.


How I wish I had a drain in my USA bathroom floor and had the entire room to use as a shower.

I love it!!!


I have the chance to do this and I will. Strange thing with me, I had planned on building a bathroom that was all shower. All the hotels I had been in had western toilets an showers on business trips, I am sure due to our man setting it up this way for me.


Then I met my wife and was shocked when I walked into her bathroom and saw exactly what I imagined to build. However her's is long enough that the Western toilet is far enough away it does not get wet.

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In Chengdu, my bathroom was about twice the size of an airplane bathroom. That included a western toilet (Thank GOD!!!), and a washing machine... You open the door, and the shower hear was right there, the toilet to the right, and the sink and washing machine to the left... With such a cramped space, everything got soaked. I had to keep the washing machine covered. At first, I hated it, but you know, that bathroom stayed SO clean.


At my mother-in-law's house, it's a typical Chinese bathroom. It's always wet. There is no ventilation and the tile is always covered in condensation... I thought we would have a problem when my wife came to the US, but actually, it's HER that complains about ME getting water everywhere... The big problem that she does have is, she rinses the mop in the toilet (after she uses it to clean said toilet). I find that kinda sick...

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In Chengdu, my bathroom was about twice the size of an airplane bathroom. That included a western toilet (Thank GOD!!!), and a washing machine... You open the door, and the shower hear was right there, the toilet to the right, and the sink and washing machine to the left... With such a cramped space, everything got soaked. I had to keep the washing machine covered. At first, I hated it, but you know, that bathroom stayed SO clean.


At my mother-in-law's house, it's a typical Chinese bathroom. It's always wet. There is no ventilation and the tile is always covered in condensation... I thought we would have a problem when my wife came to the US, but actually, it's HER that complains about ME getting water everywhere... The big problem that she does have is, she rinses the mop in the toilet (after she uses it to clean said toilet). I find that kinda sick...


The big problem that she does have is, she rinses the mop in the toilet (after she uses it to clean said toilet). I find that kinda sick...


Yes, and I never saw anyone disinfect anything. :lol:

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I had the same setup where we stayed in Guangzhou. It drove me nuts and I couldn't wait to get out of there. All tile floors and everything was wet and damp. The shower right near the toilet and no curtain. Even if you wore shower clogs, you would still track the water out into the living room. Guess I'm too spoiled that way. Also, I posted this in another thread, but my SO will not put the shower curtain inside the tub. I show her how it works and how to keep from getting water on the floor (different hotel), and everytime, she would put the shower curtain on the outside of the tub. I would go into the bathroom and the whole floor would be wet. LOL :D I couldn't get away from it. :lol:

Whew, the two tub showers in my house have sliding glass doors on them. It should work as long as the glass doors are closed.


As aye,



Edited by SinoTexas (see edit history)
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Doesn't anyone like having the whole bathroom being a shower? I love it! So what if things get wet?! It is a "bathroom"! We have recently built, but never lived in, a newly constructed apartment in Zhanjiang. My dear wife at least put in a western toilet for me in one of the bathrooms.


As to tampons in the waste basket, that is where they belong. It is even a violation of my USA apartment's lease to flush them.


I do hope to teach my wife to flush her toilet paper down the toilet when she comes to the USA, but in China I allow her to follow her own customs.


The first time we traveled and had a "western" bathroom with shower in the bathtub, she was completely unfamiliar with this and a shower curtain, and the first time flooded the room. She had never dealt with such a situation before. Now she knows.


How I wish I had a drain in my USA bathroom floor and had the entire room to use as a shower.

Exactly ! I also want a bathroom which is exactly that: AN ENTIRE ROOM WHICH IS A BATH :lol:


As to tampons, you misunderstood the comment.. there was no comment about flushing it, but there is one in the trash (as TB said, face up) EVERYDAY...

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the first time i spent the night at my SO's house in beijing i didnt think to wonder where the shower was till i needed it... i just thought that was the half bath i was using....


i was told by SO the bathroom is ready for me to take a shower..


i went in to the bathroom and looked down at this tiny little bucket i was suppose to stand in while showering....


needless to say i left the bathroom a lake at least 2" deep....


sorry honey :lol:

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The big problem that she does have is, she rinses the mop in the toilet (after she uses it to clean said toilet). I find that kinda sick...

Mine uses the bucket in the shower area for mop water, then waits to use it to flush the toilet. She feels carpet in the bathroom, like my house, is really dumb.


Maybe I should surprise her with bathtub buckets to catch the cold water running until hot comes out, and to catch what it will when showering. She really seemed uncomfortable with my water usage. Since I never break out of the minimum gallons per month to pay extra on the water bill, she had to resort to general conservatism, never mind the cost.


Lets see she wants the valve for the shower to NOT leak water out of the spout. I probably need a shower cut off, like she has, so it does not run water while scrubbing her skin - with or without soap.

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This is amazing! I thought my wife was the only Chinese woman who gets water everywhere. She's constantly washing her hands with the faucet turned on full blast. And she rarely dries her hands so water gets dripped all over the countertops and floors. It drives me crazy! Especially since we live in an area that has very hard water and the water stains are hard to remove.


I guess I shouldn't complain, though. When we first met in China, and for each of my four subsequent visits, she wouldn't use the towels in the hotels. Somebody told her that you could contract sexually-transmitted diseases from hotel towels and she believed it! So she dried herself with toilet paper and facial tissues.


There were several times when I went into the bathroom and slipped on the wet floor and nearly broke my neck. Water and long black hair everywhere! And I can't even begin to tell you how many times we requested extra toilet paper and tissues from the hotel staff. (I still wonder what they thought we might be doing in our room.)


And I certainly remember the first time we went to an American motel and she showered with the shower curtain OUTSIDE the tub. I'm still amazed we didn't get a bill from the motel manager!


Things have improved quite a bit, though. After coming to America, she uses the towels in the house and American places of lodging. She still doesn't wipe up the water very well, though. And she rarely touches anything with her bare hands for fear of germs. It's kind of like being married to a Chinese Howard Hughes. I almost expect to come home from work one day and find her sitting in a locked room wearing nothing but a sterile white sheet.


But God, I love her.

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This is amazing! I thought my wife was the only Chinese woman who gets water everywhere. She's constantly washing her hands with the faucet turned on full blast. And she rarely dries her hands so water gets dripped all over the countertops and floors. It drives me crazy! Especially since we live in an area that has very hard water and the water stains are hard to remove.


I guess I shouldn't complain, though. When we first met in China, and for each of my four subsequent visits, she wouldn't use the towels in the hotels. Somebody told her that you could contract sexually-transmitted diseases from hotel towels and she believed it! So she dried herself with toilet paper and facial tissues.


There were several times when I went into the bathroom and slipped on the wet floor and nearly broke my neck. Water and long black hair everywhere! And I can't even begin to tell you how many times we requested extra toilet paper and tissues from the hotel staff. (I still wonder what they thought we might be doing in our room.)


And I certainly remember the first time we went to an American motel and she showered with the shower curtain OUTSIDE the tub. I'm still amazed we didn't get a bill from the motel manager!


Things have improved quite a bit, though. After coming to America, she uses the towels in the house and American places of lodging. She still doesn't wipe up the water very well, though. And she rarely touches anything with her bare hands for fear of germs. It's kind of like being married to a Chinese Howard Hughes. I almost expect to come home from work one day and find her sitting in a locked room wearing nothing but a sterile white sheet.


But God, I love her.







You are not alone in this arena, thats for sure. :D


My wife is so concerned about water useage she will use the bath water to flush, or wash out clothes also.


Get them buckets Doug. :P


The water bill has doubled since her arival. No big deal, but I also have to watch after she uses the faucet since she likes to run off with it running a little stream. Watching the consumption, yea right.


Water on the floor has been cured. On the mirror, and all over the counter needs work, but oh well. I knew this from the begining. :ph34r:

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:ph34r: So it isn't just my wife........When we go to a hotel she will not use the towels either. She also will not sit on a western style toilet. One evening she was on the toilet and the door was not shut all the way. I happend to look in and she was on the toilet with her feet on the rim. I told her to be careful and not fall off and she slammed the door on me. :lol:
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Yes, my water bill went sky-high also after she arrived. I think it's because the dishwasher and the clothes washer were a new experience for her and she had a lot of fun using them. She's settled down quite a bit now. As a matter of fact, she now waits until the clothes hamper or the dishwasher is completely full before she uses them.


She still loves to take long, hot showers though. I don't know how she can stand the water that hot, but she can. I don't mind, though. I just love a squeaky clean Chinese woman!

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All of this cleanliness talk just begs the question of why they will have much to do with us or a man in general. But that is a whole 'nother subject.


Mine knew how to use a western shower curtain from her foreign travels and business trips. What bugs me is the rensing of the slippers in the shower room. There is this imaginary line in her large bathroom. You can wear slippers up to a point (where the toilet is) then you must remove them for apraoch to the sink and shower area. Her feeling is that it is dirty around the toilet and one should not get that on their bare feet :huh: I HATE wet ass feet in wet ass slippers. ;)





Water Everywhere? My mother. She is the one who hands me a glass of something with her wet hands. Everything is wet. She is the one who washes her hands too often. I said so much that finally I don't break my neck sliding around in the kitchen from her dripping hands. Wife is very clean but she does dry off.

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Mine jumps in the shower and turns the water off and on and off and on. Drives me nuts. At least it has glass sliding doors so the floors don't get soaked. Besides, I told her how much it would cost to replace if she got them water logged.


Mine¡¯s the opposite, can stand in the shower for hours if you let her. When her hair use to be down to the middle of her back, it wasn¡¯t surprising to hear her in there for 45 minutes, half in which she would wash her hair. Of course having a big shower with glass walls is fun to watch! :o


As far as water water everywhere, we have extra towels conveniently placed by each sink in which she uses to wipe up the excess water dumpage. Sometimes I think she takes a shower in the sink! :D

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Yeah, glad to know she isn't the only one that takes her own towels to hotels... She doesn't want to get "sex diseases"...


And, she always keeps a bucket in the shower to catch the water. I still haven't figured out what she does with all that water. I guess it's for washing her underwear... It's not like we have a high water bill. It's about $23 a month.

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