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Visa: Nearly in Hand...

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We're literally hours away from securing our visa. Ying dropped off her paperwork this morning (Tuesday in GZ) and will report back at 4pm to pick-up her visa.


Don't know yet if I'll travel to Beijing to escort her home - popular opinion is "Don't Travel"... but I'm clinging to the option.


I was shocked by this (Monday) morning's BBC News reports that China SARS cases was increased 10-fold over the weekend. I was troubled by the decision to travel this week from Beijing to GZ, when we could have waited a week to see if the SARS thing quieted down.


Good News is: Ying reports that GZ locals seem relatively unconcerned about SARS (compared to Beijing) - as if they've already gotten over the hump. She said she actually felt a little silly being "over dressed for SARS protection". GZ Consulate IS open for business and is processing cases as they come in. I don't believe SARS is having a significant impact on case processing.


Has anyone heard any news regarding U.S. Quarantines? I've heard about airport officials checking temperatures and denying boarding privledges to passengers suspected of being sick, but I haven't heard much about what international arrivals are being asked to do upon U.S. arrival.

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When I came through Chicago last week from Beijing, they handed me a yellow paper suggesting I see a doctor if I felt sick during the next ten days. I guess if I felt sick after ten days then I should not see a doctor right?


Your government dollars at work.


No other screening was in place.

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Congrats on getting your visa blennon. I know it has been a long wait. As to the SARS, I think the tenfold increase came about due to more accurate reporting procedures. Be careful while you are over there.

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