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Hello all

I have been reading as many postings as possible and i came across this one reguarding COPY OF TAX RETURNS FY 2000, 2001 AND 2002 WITH OATH OF AUTHENTICITY

Could someone please explain oath of Authenticity is and what is needed to do this

This is from the AOS stage but i am wondering if it is nessary for my support I-135 prior to our interview??

Right now I just went and had my Tax returns Notarized in the back Of the 1st page but i guess i better make copies



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Here is what we did:


We contaded the IRS & requested a full & complete set of transcrips & copies of all of the tax reports that we needed. Once we had those, (Tehy came with the IRS Certified Stamp on them as copies), we attached those to those that we had, & then took all of that & had it noterized


When it came to our interview, we had no issues.


Hope this helps

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Notarization of the tax returns is not necessary, only the I-134 form needs notarization. You can also use tax transcripts from the IRS, they are free and can be ordered on the phone.




US consulate FAQ state, nothing about "oath of authenticity or notarizing the tax records"

Affidavit of Support - I-134 and a copy of the most recent year tax returns from the petitioner.


Also read this thread answers from Consulate Guangzhou: http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?...mp;hl=affidavit

Edited by dnoblett (see edit history)
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thank you

I have one more Question, Most likly a dumb one but anyhow

My So got her Passport a year ago.

She can only get a Chinese passport at this time Correct ??

My fiance applied for and got her passport August 2005, before we knew each other, the passport is good for 5 years.


If your fiance has a passport it should be good, it only needs to be valid for 6 months past the time of the visa interview. No need to do anything new to the passport, like renewing it.


Now the question: Does the US citizen has his passport, it is getting down the wire for a trip at the end of the month, expediting one can be quite expensive.

Edited by dnoblett (see edit history)
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thank you

I have one more Question, Most likly a dumb one but anyhow

My So got her Passport a year ago.

She can only get a Chinese passport at this time Correct ??


Passports are issued to citizens. Until your Chinese SO is a US Citizen it is only possible for her to obtain a Chinese passport.

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If your fiance has a passport it should be good, it only needs to be valid for 6 months past the time of the visa interview. No need to do anything new to the passport, like renewing it.




According to the new letter the consulate sends in P3, 8 months of validity is now needed past visa issuance. This is addressed to the K1-K-2 applicants. Not sure if it applies to other visa categories though.





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