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greetings and blessings

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Greetings and blessings to everybody,

My honey's interiew was sucssesful on Mar 31 and got her visa the next day, she came yesterday, I went to San Fran airport to meet her,i'd waited there for a long time,many peple came out but no her and her son,just when i was worrying so much,i see her in the screen,oh la la,i couldn't believe it,my honey really came,I've been waiting for this moment for one more year,on the way back home,she was very excited to see everything different here,no many people here walking in the street like in Shenzhen. When we went to the grocery she really had fun there to find so many news things,she said she will get fat here because the food here is so good......just want to share my happiness with everyone here,wish you lucky too.Many blessings to everybody.

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:D :greenblob: :redblob: :redblob: :greenblob: :greenblob: :redblob:


There is a very good chance you can find an Asian grocery store where you live. Just have to look on the web and/or ask a Chinese person where they are located. Don't know any other Chinese then just go to any local Chinese restaurant and have your wife ask them (maybe a good way to meet new friends too?).


I often tell my Lao Po when she gets here I will eat better and loose little weight too. I Lost weight both times I've been to China, but ate a lot. I'm sure you notice when you went to China there are very few overweight people over there. I would assume that Chinese home cooking is better for you than Chinese/American restaurant cooking (so might not want to go out too often).


So Good Eats,



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