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Stuck in name check for 8 months !!!!!!

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I'm a beneficiary of a IR2 case, my case have been forward to GZ last year.


But they always say that my case is under process of name check.


I have been waiting the appointment for 1 year.


How can I make sure the GUZ follow up this case.


How long should I suppose to wait.


Please Help me~~~~~

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I'm a beneficiary of a IR2 case, my case have been forward to GZ last year.


But they always say that my case is under process of name check.


I have been waiting the appointment for 1 year.


How can I make sure the GUZ follow up this case.


How long should I suppose to wait.


Please Help me~~~~~


It is my thought that the Petitioner would need to write to his Senator.

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Guest ShaQuaNew

Doesn't matter who you write. No one can or will speed up a background check.


It does matter who you call, especially when there is a distinct difference between the "background check" and the "name check."


Background Check = done at the USCIS level before a petition is approved and sent to the DOS. No petition can be approved until both the petitioner and beneficiary have passed the background check.


Name Check = done at the DOS level after a petition is approved. The name check process is performed on the beneficiary to determine whether or not they will be safe to allow into the US. If there is a delay at this level, you need to contact DOS and request an escalation and specific reason for the delay. The DOS will launch an investigation on behalf of the petitioner, but you must first get the dialog going.

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Doesn't matter who you write. No one can or will speed up a background check.


It does matter who you call, especially when there is a distinct difference between the "background check" and the "name check."


Background Check = done at the USCIS level before a petition is approved and sent to the DOS. No petition can be approved until both the petitioner and beneficiary have passed the background check.


Name Check = done at the DOS level after a petition is approved. The name check process is performed on the beneficiary to determine whether or not they will be safe to allow into the US. If there is a delay at this level, you need to contact DOS and request an escalation and specific reason for the delay. The DOS will launch an investigation on behalf of the petitioner, but you must first get the dialog going.


We were stuck at the DOS level for quite some time. I was told it was name check. Then next time they would call it a background check. I never knew what the heck they were checking. All seems the same to me. They were checking on my fiance and that is all that I needed to know. lol

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What I can tell you is that my fiance's background check began in jan 05'. In Sept they decided to start all over with a new background check. DOS told me that this may jump start that name/background check and it's good news. DOS will do what they can to help you. They sent inquiries into our case every month starting in April 05'. After they restarted the background Sept 1st, it took 57 days to complete. I still think her background check was sitting under a pile of paperwork for the 1st 9 months.

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Guest ShaQuaNew

What I can tell you is that my fiance's background check began in jan 05'. In Sept they decided to start all over with a new background check. DOS told me that this may jump start that name/background check and it's good news. DOS will do what they can to help you. They sent inquiries into our case every month starting in April 05'. After they restarted the background Sept 1st, it took 57 days to complete. I still think her background check was sitting under a pile of paperwork for the 1st 9 months.


The nomenclature is there primarily to distinguish which department is responsible for the checking activity. In this case, either DOS or the USCIS. Now, apart from entering names and numbers into border checking database, neither of these departments will attempt to resolve a hit. When a hit happens, it's passed onto the FBI for resolution. Once in the hands of the FBI there is little that anyone can do. At that point, it's a good time to employ the skills of a James Bond type character because you will not likely get much information otherwise.


The one thing you can do is document, document, and document. All telephone calls, date, time, who you talked to, what was asked, what was said, etc. Send letters to anyone and everyone that will listen. Stay in constant touch with anyone and everyone. If they say call back Monday and it's Thursday, call back Friday.

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Tried everything! Called DOS & GUZ.

mailed to Senator, no reply.


so disappointed, GUZ is killing me




I wrote a letter to my Senator 3 times in the last 2 months. I guess he is too busy running for a office to help. He never has answered. Even though he told me to write back to him 6 months ago, to get additional help. And this kind of thing is what he is running on here. Immigration is a big one for him. Go fugure.




My Congressman is really getting involved now. How deep he will go I do not know. BUT,he is involved.




DOS and GUZ forget about it.




Hope this will help you.

Edited by rlheim (see edit history)
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I'm a beneficiary of a IR2 case, my case have been forward to GZ last year.


But they always say that my case is under process of name check.


I have been waiting the appointment for 1 year.


How can I make sure the GUZ follow up this case.


How long should I suppose to wait.


Please Help me~~~~~

If I had to guess, I would say about a year so you have 4 more months to go; maybe less but I wouldn't think any longer than a year. I haven't seen an IR1 case run over a year but they do come close.


-good luck

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I'm a beneficiary of a IR2 case, my case have been forward to GZ last year.


But they always say that my case is under process of name check.


I have been waiting the appointment for 1 year.


How can I make sure the GUZ follow up this case.


How long should I suppose to wait.


Please Help me~~~~~



There could be several reasons for the delay, does your so have a common sir name, the more common the sir name the longer it will take but 8 months is a long time.

The main question is weather they may have lost something and things are just in limbo and nothing is being done at all.

If the latter is the case I don't know what you can do to find out but 8 months doesn't mean thay aren't doing anything But i am sure it is driving you crazy, hang in there

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I don't think my name is a common name



There could be several reasons for the delay, does your so have a common sir name, the more common the sir name the longer it will take but 8 months is a long time.

The main question is weather they may have lost something and things are just in limbo and nothing is being done at all.

If the latter is the case I don't know what you can do to find out but 8 months doesn't mean thay aren't doing anything But i am sure it is driving you crazy, hang in there

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