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A Flight to Remember

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Mick, the horror of what could have happened is so dreadful that I feel we all must make some kind of special preparations when traveling so that the loss of passports never happens. Since the idea of using duct tape is not practical surely there must be something better. I once saw in a luggage shop a nice little pouch that was sold to be worn under your clothes for holding passports. It had a shoulder strap and a strap around the chest. Does anyone know where to buy ones like this?

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Mick, the horror of what could have happened is so dreadful that I feel we all must make some kind of special preparations when traveling so that the loss of passports never happens.  Since the idea of using duct tape is not practical surely there must be something better.  I once saw in a luggage shop a nice little pouch that was sold to be worn under your clothes for holding passports.  It had a shoulder strap and a strap around the chest.  Does anyone know where to buy ones like this?

I have one of those little pouches Robert. I bought mine in Thailand several years ago but I would expect you could find them in other places. They are useful for passports, cash, etc. Maybe Eric would know. After all, he travels around the world a lot. However, the big brown envelope would not fit in one of these. The only way to safe guard these is to hand carry them I guess. I still shudder at the thought of what would have happened had we actually lost those documents. ;)

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This horror story is feeding my paranoia. You are right, there is not any Mysterious Sealed Brown Envelope pouch on the market. I guess I will just have to trust in the extreme competence of my lady.


Mick, what are some other lessons to be learned from your experience? Maybe somebody should stay in the taxicab until all the items are unloaded. What about some other precautions you wish you had taken?

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I could feel how anxious you were! I am very sorry what happened to you!

When take a taxi, should write down TAXI ID, at the back of the front seat, some time should take airport shuttle bus instead of Taxi. Carry-on with important documents should be carried all the time.

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State-side, you can buy the pouches to be worn under the clothes at a AAA office. Also, I have seen them in the luggage section of the K-Mart store. I have one and when traveling I carry money and such in it. The passport is needed so often that I carry it in a shirt pocket with a button down flap. Not the height of fashion, but then as an engineer and one over 50, I have an excuse for that. :)

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Mick I only thought you were kidding about your trip, You had a unusual trip I see, I probably would have lost it. :) Glad you are home safe. Eric when you are here driving in Florida watch out for the old people and the kids in the matchbox cars, these are the ones with tires that look like donuts, as they drive like they are nuts.

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. . . a nice little pouch that was sold to be worn under your clothes for holding passports.  It had a shoulder strap and a strap around the chest.  Does anyone know where to buy ones like this?

I purchased one of those at Office Max. I use it when I go running or go to the lake. It allows me to keep my ID and a couple bucks on me, when I have no place for pockets.


Glad you made it home, Mick and Li. What a forgettable trip! :blink:


;) er. . . duct tape might be bad idea. . . isn't that what the extremists use to secure b***s to bodies?

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. . . a nice little pouch that was sold to be worn under your clothes for holding passports.  It had a shoulder strap and a strap around the chest.  Does anyone know where to buy ones like this?

I purchased one of those at Office Max. I use it when I go running or go to the lake. It allows me to keep my ID and a couple bucks on me, when I have no place for pockets.


Glad you made it home, Mick and Li. What a forgettable trip! :greenblob:


;) er. . . duct tape might be bad idea. . . isn't that what the extremists use to secure b***s to bodies?

Yeah, you're right about the duct tape AZ. Hurts like heck when you rip it off as well. :redblob:


But then, I guess that doesn't matter to the extremists. :blink: :greenblob:

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I could feel how anxious you were! I am very sorry what happened to you!

When take a taxi, should write down TAXI ID, at the back of the front seat, some time should take airport shuttle bus instead of Taxi. Carry-on with important documents should be carried all the time.

These are all good ideas when taking taxis in China. It is interesting that we often took down the numbers in the past. But with the excitement of leaving, the rush at the airport, etc., we overlooked doing it. As I sat there alone while Li was gone I was kicking myself a thousand times for not doing so. As for the carry-ons, my advice now is to never let go of them for a second. We had so much luggage it required both the trunk and the back seat. Supervising the unloading as well as keeping an eye on what was already unloaded was difficult due to two factors. First, the driver was too busy arguing about the price while slinging the luggage onto the curb to pay attention to what he was doing. Secondly, the place was so jam-packed, even at curbside, that people were bumping and joslting us the minute we stepped out of the taxi.


Robert, I wouldn't worry too much about this sort of thing. Just encourage your lady to not let the carry-on with the documents out of her possession for a second. Our case was unfortunate in that we lost a few valuables, but it could have been one hell of a lot worse. ;)


By the way Robert, I am an official Alabamian now. Got my drivers license yesterday, jet lagged and all. :blink:

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Guest enight

hi Mick, congratulations on your reunion!


and thank you for those tasty 'wings' too :angry:


I am still in jetlag, but it's not too bad, Alan seems over come it much more easily than me.


it's snowing here now, nice nice.. very romantic, I like snowing :angry:

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  Thank goodness the dreaded "Black Hole II" that you and I joked so much about in GZ did not come to pass for you and Li!!!

Thanks Texan. There were about 45 minutes there at the airport, while Li was gone searching for the lost bag, that I was in total shock. I just couldn't fathom being sucked back into the Black Hole after eighteen months of delays and disappointments.

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