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I just called DOS about my status. A lady picked up the phone after waiting on line for 5 minutes. She took my case#, came back and told me she couldn't see my case in the computer. She asked me what i was told about my petition last time. I answered nvc told me they sent my petition to GUZ on the 10th of Aug. She said "Hm, strange, i couldn't see it here". Then she put me on hold, came back in a couple of minutes, and told me NVC is going to send duplicates to GUZ, and give 2 or 3 weeks for GUZ to receive it. "Duplicates"? does it sound right? where is the "originals"? Has anyone heard of this before?

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It's possible that your case is sitting in customs delay in Guangzhou. That would explain why the case isn't showing up on the computer.

You can call the NVC and get the mailing date of your case. With the mailing date, you can call DHL and get the waybill number. And, with the waybill number, you can track the package(s).


I can't ever recall hearing about 'duplicates'.

Call the DOS again and more than likely, you'll get a different answer. Never put too much faith in any answers you get from these agencies. Your case is in transit so it is more than likely that it is in delay and it will be picked up and acknowledged in the near future.


-good luck

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If it is still stuck in Custom, NVC will not send duplicates to the Embassy. I am not even sure whether they have duplicates. I would call NVC to request whether they have sent the petition to GZ and which date. They usually tell you the date they shipped the petition. You can also email them, and they are very good in responding emails in 3 days. Good Luck.


NVC phone number: 603-334-0700, hit 1 then 5.

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