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Overcome Process

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Our son did not receive his visa. They wanted more documents proving our marriage, that my wife just didn't have with her. When she comes home in 5 days, we will be putting all the paperwork together so she can return.

The VO told her that when she has the papers ready, to call the number on the deniel papers and they will set up an appointment. Sounds like we will be calling the visa call center. Someone also told her that they will set the appointment about 2 months out. Does anyone know what is the process now? Is what she was told true?



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Here are the steps provided by a member:




1) You make an appointment with the consulate for submitting docs to overcome denial. The Beneficiary can buy a prepay card from a local Citic Bank, there are RMB54 or RMB36 cards available. They charge for making an appointment.

Prepare the following information before making a call:

a. Beneficiary¡¯s passport number

b. Beneficiary¡¯s name, both in Chinese and pin yin, birthdate and ID number which are on the passport

c. Case Number which begins with GUZ 200.....,

d. Visa category

e. Date of denial


Then their call center will give her an Appointment Number and the date to submit docs


2) She/He will get the result in two days.


The result is possibly to be:

1) Ok, red slip, she can pick up her visa in two days

2) They want more docs or any stuff they can brainstorm

3) The case be returned to DHS

4) Depends on the VO


Call Center Appointments

(China) 4008-872-333

(International) 86-21-3881-4611

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So let me see if I understand correctly.


When we have the overcome documents, and we call the phone number, they will set the appointment for about 10 days? That will be pretty quick when we are all here in the US and still have to get plane tickets. If that time frame holds, maybe we'll buy the plane tickets, and then call. This is going to be tough.

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So let me see if I understand correctly.


When we have the overcome documents, and we call the phone number, they will set the appointment for about 10 days? That will be pretty quick when we are all here in the US and still have to get plane tickets. If that time frame holds, maybe we'll buy the plane tickets, and then call. This is going to be tough.


You don't have to take the appointment they offer. You can ask for a later appointment that gives you time to make travel arrangements. 10 days is probably the earliest available appointment when you call.

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So let me see if I understand correctly.


When we have the overcome documents, and we call the phone number, they will set the appointment for about 10 days? That will be pretty quick when we are all here in the US and still have to get plane tickets. If that time frame holds, maybe we'll buy the plane tickets, and then call. This is going to be tough.



Here's the next little game that we are now involved in.....


We bought a 54 RMB phone card. Called Saturday morning, no available appointments, call back Monday.


Called this morning (Monday). No available appointments, call back tomorrow (Tuesday). With all of the crappola ya gotta listen to before talking to a live person, we will use up the card tomorrow morning. What do they mean, "no appointments available?". Don't you just drop off the info they asked for, and then put your life on hold to see if they actually will call you back by the end of two business days?


We took the overnight sleeper train to Nanning (got in at 4:30 this morning...do I sound a little crabby???). Manyun is moving in with her sister in Guangzhou until this is settled. Here is my take:


As the outcome of our application was predetermined, the VO did not conduct any sort of interview. No questions at all, and only asked for passports and pictures. I can easily see them now conducting the interview by blue slip. We submit for one question, they ask for something else. And so on, and so on. I can see this dragged out for months. And let's see...use a minimum of one phone card to get an overcome? Quite the racket, methinks. You pay to get a nothing answer. As there is little I can do here once I get Manyun back to Guz, I am heading out Friday morning, arrive DTW Saturday afternoon. Need to save some vacation days, not to mention money.


I will wait until this is over, and Manyun and Lingyi are home with me. Then, I will sound off to anyone and everyone I can think of about this. I believe it was Marvin the Martian from Buggs Bunny that said this, and I have never forgotten it:


Don't make me angry.....You wouldn't like me when I'm angry! :D

Edited by Michael and Manyun (see edit history)
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Just and update:


I called this morning at 7:05 (I thought that maybe there were a certain amount of dates given out every day, and I wasn't sleeping anyway). The woman recognizes my name. No interview dates available.


Now, instead of telling me to call back tomorrow, she says to call back "some other day". I ask her about tomorrow, and her response was "maybe".


I was wrong about the charges to the card. It appears that you are charged once you start speaking to someone, not when you are wading through the menu options and other stuff.


Sorry, I hope I didn't put you off with my ranting last night.

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We got a blue slip 5 weeks ago. I got the scanned copy of it. It only says to mail back a Resume signed by boss. WShe mailed and still nothing back from GUZ. Very frustrating. We called the infoless phone number and they said the case doesnt exist, ahhh. An email to Guz got replied about still reviewing. I guess just keep waiting in my case. Reviewing is better than white slipping. I spent a whole weekend paranoid after the phone call said non existent case. I dont know why everyone else gets another interview to bring overcome evidence in. We are the only ones ever to get a mail only blue slip. wierd. good luck, and lots of patience.


Origianl 129f 10/05

Guz interview 7/06 Blue slip

8/06 pre honeymoon to Cambodia and China

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We got a blue slip 5 weeks ago. I got the scanned copy of it. It only says to mail back a Resume signed by boss. WShe mailed and still nothing back from GUZ. Very frustrating. We called the infoless phone number and they said the case doesnt exist, ahhh. An email to Guz got replied about still reviewing. I guess just keep waiting in my case. Reviewing is better than white slipping. I spent a whole weekend paranoid after the phone call said non existent case. I dont know why everyone else gets another interview to bring overcome evidence in. We are the only ones ever to get a mail only blue slip. wierd. good luck, and lots of patience.


Origianl 129f 10/05

Guz interview 7/06 Blue slip

8/06 pre honeymoon to Cambodia and China


Frustration, Thy Name Is GUZ.......


Or something like that.


Hang in there, buddy. It's all about waiting....and waiting, and waiting. The folks at GUZ actually get paid to shuffle your life around their desk while you attempt to try to put some semblance of order back. See that little carrot dangling in front of your face?????


We got Blue Slipped on Sept. 14th, and as of this past Friday (the 22nd) have yet to be able to even make a frikken appointment to try to overcome (5 phone calls using up one Citic phone card.....a joke in itself).


From what I understand, the "Overcome" is NOT an interview, but merely an appointment to drop off the requested information. Why an appointment is needed is beyond me. After that, you are "PROMISED" that you will get a response (good or bad) by the end of the second business day. If they then want additional info, you'll get to wait some more. Cool, huh?


Seriously, I wish you the best of luck, Chuck. You are right, that Blue is better than White. But don't make too much noise!!!!! You don't want to wake the Wonderful Wizard of GUZ who is sleeping behind that curtain over there.........



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Looks like by your timeline, that you finally have an Overcome date. Good luck. We are still compiling our overcome documents. We just bought a home, and some of what they wanted was utility bills in both of our names. Well, we are still waiting for the first utility bills to come. Seems that we would not have been able to meet that requirement at the time of the interview, no matter what.

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Looks like by your timeline, that you finally have an Overcome date. Good luck. We are still compiling our overcome documents. We just bought a home, and some of what they wanted was utility bills in both of our names. Well, we are still waiting for the first utility bills to come. Seems that we would not have been able to meet that requirement at the time of the interview, no matter what.


Thanks, Mike. Best of luck to you too. Keep us posted.

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Looks like by your timeline, that you finally have an Overcome date. Good luck. We are still compiling our overcome documents. We just bought a home, and some of what they wanted was utility bills in both of our names. Well, we are still waiting for the first utility bills to come. Seems that we would not have been able to meet that requirement at the time of the interview, no matter what.


Thanks, Mike. Best of luck to you too. Keep us posted.




We got the letter back from GZ today. It says wait three months for further processing. It doesnt say what kind of processing or anything else. Just to contact them after three months. Poor woman is in tears. What are they doing. So totally lame. Someday their must be accountability. This is a ridiculous process.



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Looks like by your timeline, that you finally have an Overcome date. Good luck. We are still compiling our overcome documents. We just bought a home, and some of what they wanted was utility bills in both of our names. Well, we are still waiting for the first utility bills to come. Seems that we would not have been able to meet that requirement at the time of the interview, no matter what.


Thanks, Mike. Best of luck to you too. Keep us posted.




We got the letter back from GZ today. It says wait three months for further processing. It doesnt say what kind of processing or anything else. Just to contact them after three months. Poor woman is in tears. What are they doing. So totally lame. Someday their must be accountability. This is a ridiculous process.





The sad truth is that there is no accountibility at GUZ, the VO's are given too much leeway, and other VO's cannot override them without evidence so compelling that you don't even have it yet. Been there.


IMO, on CFL the Pink Slippers get the most attention, the White Slippers (revocation) get some, while the Blue Slippers are tolerated, the problem children, the in-betweeners. We are the ones that the majority does not understand. Feel free to PM me.



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I'm not sure I agree with that Mike. I know I take blue slip people. seriously. Having been there myself I know the feeling. What used to be a fairly simple process it almost appears they are setting up people to fail by making overcome submissions extremely difficult. I agree there needs to be more accountabilty. VOs have way too much authority which it appears to me has been abused more and more lately.

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