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Wife provides some questions

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I just talked with my wife who told me some information regarding her interview yesterday. She said she was interviewed by an older woman that appeared to be Chinese. She began the interview in English and then changed to Chinese when my wife was not understanding some of the words. She answered the questions in English. She said she was asked many questions and provided these as only part of the interview,,,


1. Who applied for you? (She said another word was used instead of the

the word applied) I think maybe the word was sponsor. Her answer

was of course me.

2. What does husband do for work? Retired Policeman

3. When did he work as Policeman? Retired 1998 and worked for 27 years

4. Do you know your husband was divorced before? Yes

5. Age of husbands oldest and youngest child? XX and XX

6. Where does your husband live .................? Could not understand

the rest of the question. (VO asked in Chinese and meant what

State) Washington.

There were other questions. I will get later.


The VO asked to look at 2005 taxes, pictures, communication evidence which I had provided a screen print of our conversation logs from yahoo messenger and web cam shots (2 times every day) telephone bills and emails. She looked at pictures and the index of our relationship evidence, contained in the 25 manilla envelopes, my wife had with her. My wife handed the VO the index with her passport at the beginning of the interview.


Hope this gives some insight for those having interviews in the future. I will post more later.



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1. Who applied for you? (She said another word was used instead of the word applied) I think maybe the word was sponsor. Her answer was of course me.



"Who filed the petition for you?"

Chinese teachers from primary school to college never teach the word "petition".

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Congratulations :lol:

Your wife did a great job with some difficult questions.  My wife's interview was a breeze.  I think there is some degree of luck involved with who the VO is and what kind of mood they are in.

Good Luck!


Yes, a bit luck, but I don't think it's VO's mood.

Different interviewers screws different weak point people have, luck depending on weak points.


I'm blunt again. Young beautiful girls have better luck, universal.

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