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How could they know?

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I posted this on the GUZ speaks, but I'd also like member imput.


How does the US Consulate in Guangzhou obtain information on which visa applicants are members of the Chinese Communist party, beyond simply requesting that the applicants disclose this information?


It probably happens during the namecheck, but HOW does it happen?

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As much as we would all like to know, don't expect GUZ to answer that question.


In fact, that might even piss off the "ask GUZ". You might what to think twice if that is really a good idea to ask them. Sure would hate for them to stop answering us about other things, if they start to think we ask them about all their secrets.


They answer pretty slow now as it is.


As for your question, yes namecheck, probable work or school background. I am sure they have a list somewhere and know what jobs/school/work requires a membership, and can check your answer against it.

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Hi Mike.. My SO is an English School Teacher. She received a free college degree (which is no longer offered). I questioned her on being in the CCP versus not being in the CCP. I was curious, since both were in her school. CCP members get higher pay and raise to higher levels. Non-CCP members get raises, but not to the degree CCP members do, nor do they acquire the status a CCP member does. As for GUZ finding out, why take the chance. Be honest.

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Guest pushbrk
As much as we would all like to know, don't expect GUZ to answer that question.


In fact, that might even piss off the "ask GUZ". You might what to think twice if that is really a good idea to ask them. Sure would hate for them to stop answering us about other things, if they start to think we ask them about all their secrets.


They answer pretty slow now as it is.


As for your question, yes namecheck, probable work or school background. I am sure they have a list somewhere and know what jobs/school/work requires a membership, and can check your answer against it.


They have a good idea who might be a party member from the job history. Whether you intended to or not, I would expect them to read your question as. "I'm considering lying about my SO's CCP membership. Will you kindly help me decide if we'll get away with it? Thank you so much. Sincerely..." :angry:

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I saw the question in GZ speaks. I almost deleted it because it is ludicrous to think they may actually answer it. Then I had second thoughts and decided what the hell, let's see what they say.


I am of two minds on the issue. Since it is highly unlikely that the CCP would share their membership list with the US government chances are they would probably never know. On the other hand if she were to piss someone off in China one day and they were to send the US government evidence that she was a member of the CCP she could be deported and banned from the US for lying on her paperwork. I have always subscribed to the school of thought that you should NEVER EVER EVER EVER LIE TO THE USCIS. It can come back to haunt you.

Edited by warpedbored (see edit history)
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