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Things you do in China that you cannot do in US

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I went to my fianc¨¦s small city twice and during my time there, I noticed that China small cities certainly have a different culture then the US. I think Chinese culture is fine and interesting but just different from the US.


When i returned me and my SO were discussing the differences and I was telling him things he does there that he should not do here. Being as we all have unique experiences I would love to hear about other things that people experienced so I can add to my SO lists. My SO found it so interesting and commented.. Why does US have so many rules? :unsure: ha ha. Here is my list:


In US:


:o While riding in someone¡¯s car you should not throw your cigarette butt on the carpet of their car and step on it.


:o When getting a haircut do not expect the hairdresser to give you a back massage


:o You do not have to use a public shower here, and if you do, it is not appropriate to offer someone money to wash your naked body.


:o Do not wait for a week to pass before taking a shower.


:o One should not wear the same clothes for ten days


:o Waiters in the US expect tips


:o Even if you are in US Chinese restaurant do not yell FU YUAN!!!!! when trying to get the waiters attention.


:o You will not see 30 minute fights in a restaurant


:o Do not throw your shrimp shells and cigarette butts on the floor of the restaurant.


:o Do not expect to see people riding buffalo down the street.


:o Do not expect to see buffalo poop in the road.


:o We do not have KTV here that comes equipt with your own room, liquor and girls.

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In US:


It is not appropriate to spit on public places.

it is not appropriate to wear sleepwear outside the house.

It is not appropriate for two guys to hold hands in public.

It is rude to use c-phone in theatres.

it is rude to smoke in public buildings.

It is against the law to spank kids (you may lose custody of the kids too).

It is against the law to catch or kill wild animals (raccoon, birds, etc).

Edited by tonado (see edit history)
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chew with your mouth closed(learn western table manners)

don't clean off the bones when in restaurant

it's OK to wash socks and underwear with other clothes and even together

don't expect to get spicy noddles for breakfast here

beer comes in small bottles(complaint from father in law)

you sit on the toilet seat not squat

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Most bathrooms do not have a floor drain, so keep the water off the floor.


In an emergency, fire, ambulance and police all the same number 911.


Napkins are free when you go out to eat, no need to take them home.


People who cut in line are looked down upon.


It is a good idea to use the refridgerator.


No metal in the microwave.


You don't need honk each time you pass a car.


If you want hot water to drink when you go out to eat, ask for a teapot of hot water.


It's ok to flush TP down the toilet.


Don't ride 3 on a motorcycle.


Wear your seatbelt when in a moving vehicle, you and/or the driver can get a ticket.

Edited by MikeandRong (see edit history)
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There are driving rules here.

You do not blow or pick your nose when dining.

Use a kleenex if you must pick your nose, but NEVER when dining.

No staring (unless it is a really hot babe with big hooters).


Oh my gosh .. this reminds me of the picture I was too scared to take but regret not having.


One day me and my SO pull up to our hotel in a taxi (not sure why we took a taxi to go 2 blocks away.. but anyway)... There is a police car parked in front of the hotel. The two doors both front and back are opened on the passenger side. As I walk by I look into the car. The driver cop is sitting behind the wheel looking into the mirror and enthusiastically trying to pick something out of his nose. Cop #2 was laying down on the back seat of the car chatting on the cell phone. I could see this picture in National Enquirer with the subtitle "A days work for the Chinese police" .. heh heh ..

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I went to my fianc¨¦s small city twice and during my time there, I noticed that China small cities certainly have a different culture then the US. I think Chinese culture is fine and interesting but just different from the US


When i returned me and my SO were discussing the differences and I was telling him things he does there that he should not do here.  Being as we all have unique experiences I would love to hear about other things that people experienced so I can add to my SO lists.  My SO found it so interesting and commented.. Why does US have so many rules?  :)  ha ha.  Here is my list:


In US:


:P While riding in someone¡¯s car you should not throw your cigarette butt on the carpet of their car and step on it. 


:P When getting a haircut do not expect the hairdresser to give you a back massage


:o You do not have to use a public shower here, and if you do, it is not appropriate to offer someone money to wash your naked body. 


:o Do not wait for a week to pass before taking a shower. 


:o One should not wear the same clothes for ten days


:o Waiters in the US expect tips


:o Even if you are in US Chinese restaurant do not yell FU YUAN!!!!! when trying to get the waiters attention.


:o You will not see 30 minute fights in a restaurant


:o Do not throw your shrimp shells and cigarette butts on the floor of the restaurant. 


:o Do not expect to see people riding buffalo down the street. 


:o Do not expect to see buffalo poop in the road. 


:o We do not have KTV here that comes equipt with your own room, liquor and girls.


One for the ladies:


In the US


Ladies rooms come normally come equipt with toilet paper so you don't have to shake it off. :)

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in China

1 burp is not regarded as bad table manners

2 you can't say NO to your boss when he/she ask you work overtime without any pay for it.

3 you can take bus or ride a bike to workplace

4 what's BBQ?

5 if two girls hold hand in hand walking on street,no one think it in wrong direction.

6 meeting a new friend it's not rude if you ask personal quetions like what's your job,how much do you make?

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In the US,


there is a general rule that once an elevator has roughly 30 people in it, you and your 10 friends should not try to squish in.


People can type in search words on the internet and actually get what they're looking for.


Dogs eat dog food, not home cooked meals consisiting of rice, vegetables and meat.


Dogs can't technically use the toilet as well as they can in China.


When you go shopping, our pants have "lengths" instead of just "we'll hem them to fit once you buy them"


Department stores don't have an employee for every 8 square feet of store.


USA actually has a middle class


Pop stars, radio DJs and singers aren't expected to do "special favors" in order to get ahead in their careers


Medicine is actually approved by the FDA before selling... other than just by the store owner


Cooks wash their hands


We don't "share" food as well at the dinner table


Wal-mart doesn't sell live eels


The Zoos actually feed and bathe their animals


80% of the population is not below 100 lbs.

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That's a funny one Papa Bear. Some of my friends in China got really mad at all of the name calling in China, until we learned what 'that' meant.


I told my wife that when she does get her visa and we land in Detroit to keep her mouth shut at least untill I can get to my pistol so maybe I could buy her some time to explain. :P

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The word nigga is unacceptable and could result in a long stay at the hospital.


I have read that before, but not a clue what it means. Can you give me a heads up please?


I am sure you know what it means in America but for the benefit of those living in Reo Linda, in America it is a slang word for the "N" word.

In China it means "that" as in "look at that" and it is frequently used the way we would use "ah" when we can't think of the word we are looking for like "have you been to the new ah ah ah planetarium".

Hope I didn't screw it up and confuse you more.

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