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Hello folks!...I just had two questions as I'm trying to fill in our paperwork now...First, on the I-129F package where it asks for her address...Well her address is as follows:


Room XXX, Entrance X, Building XX

XXX Residential Quarters

XXX East XXX Road


How in the world should I put this on the application???...I was thinking of puting the "Room XXX" in the Apartment # portion but I'm not sure if this is correct...And the "XXX Residential Quarters" makes it nearly impossible to fit all of her address in a lot of spots on these applications...But I do not think I should just leave it as "XXX East XXX Road" for the address and "Room XXX" for the apartment number just in case they use this address to send her future forms or other information as they may not make it to her and could cause problems in the future with her information not matching other forms...Just was wondering what you guys thought I should do...Just try to fit that whole thing under "address"?...


Second question is much easier...*lol*...My SO gave me some passport style photos that are just the way they should be...But I recently noticed they are not "within 30 days"...But they are an accruate photo of her, just with her hair pulled back...It is what she used for her own passport...Would anyone take notice of these photos to the point where it could cause an RFE???...I've already waited so long to recieve paperwork from her in the mail, I'd hate to wait another week and a half to two weeks just for a couple of photos...But if you guys think it'll avoid a big problem, I'll just ask her to get new ones...


Thanks for any info!!!...

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1) The common thing to do with any block not big enough is to put in the block: "See Supplement XXX", then make up a piece of paper labeled at the top "Supplement XXX", then put the address however you want. Don't over think the order of the address, most anything will do.


2) Are the PP pictures stamped with a dated? (that's the best reason not to have any indication of a date on them !). FYI: You will want to put on the back of the pictures her name...

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Hi Signal....the way to put the address in on the I-129F is as follows:


Part B:


Q#2: what ever is the name of the residential quarter, (no need to write residential quarter...just the name of it). Followed by a comma and the road. In the section that ask for apt. # add the building number, then a hyphen, then unit number, then a hyphen, and finally the room number. Then put the town or city in the proper place. Under State or Country you would add the province name followed by a comma and of course the country name. Finally you need to ask her for the postal code.




Address(Number and Street): Give her a Visa, Forever Happy Road


Apt# Box: Building number-Unit Number-Room number


Town or City Box: Nanning


State or Country Box: Guangxi, China


Zip/Postal Code Box: 530031


Hope this helps and good luck!!! :)

Edited by chef4u (see edit history)
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Guest pushbrk
Nope, there is no date on her photos!...Just her pretty face on the front and "Print By Sony" on the back!... :)


And thank you for the tip on the Supplement sheet!...I think that is my best option!...Thanks!...


No question is a dumb question but some questions do indicated a need to relax and take a deep breath. :)


Unless the pictures are dated, they will be just fine, provided they are the correct format. If they are the same as she used for her recent passport, they will be fine.


Are you referring to a visa application or a petition? It doesn't change the answers to these questions but it might make a difference later. You'll have the best chance of getting the right answers to your questions by referring to the forms by their titles, such as I-129F or DS 230 etc.


Have you made certain you have the most up to date I-129F? If there is no question about your criminal record or whether you used an International Marriage Broker, you have the old form.

Edited by pushbrk (see edit history)
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Guest pushbrk
The OP stated I-129F and the need for passport pictures...  ergo, I-129F petition seems it (no pictures needed for DS-230).


I picked two forms at random as examples. I'm not being critical. I'm making suggestions. If you don't like them, don't follow them.

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The OP stated I-129F and the need for passport pictures...  ergo, I-129F petition seems it (no pictures needed for DS-230).


I picked two forms at random as examples. I'm not being critical. I'm making suggestions. If you don't like them, don't follow them.


I thought you were seriously asking him which form...


Are you referring to a visa application or a petition? It doesn't change the answers to these questions but it might make a difference later. You'll have the best chance of getting the right answers to your questions by referring to the forms by their titles, such as I-129F or DS 230 etc.


I guess I misunderstood your point then.

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chef4u--Thank you SO much for your help on this!...Ok, should it read as:


Address: Residential Place, 123 Happy Road


Apt.#: Building 12-Entrance 34-Room 56


OR for Apt. box do I just write:


Apt.#: 56-34-12


I'm just a little confused on that part because actually writing "Building 12-Entrance 34-Room 56" will still not fit in the Apt. # box...hehehe...The rest of the address is no problem, just the "address" and "Apt#" boxes...Again, thank you so much for your help!!...



pushbrk--Hahaha!...Thank you, I needed that "just relax" response!...I am getting very frustrated with some of this paperwork and I think I am worrying too much over the little things...I will just use the photos she gave me...And yes, it is for the I-129F package that I'm working on now...I've made sure to be using the correct form also...You did make sure to remind me in another topic I started...You always seem to be around to give great advice, thank you so very much!!... :P


DavidZixuan--Yes, the question on photos is for the I-129F package...I'm trying to use Richard's suggestion on the address...If I can't make it work, I will just use the attatchment idea...But if I can find a way to make it fit, it would look good...But thanks again, for the advice!...


You guys are the best!!!...Thank you!!!!...

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Hair pulled back is a bit funny ... the photo place in China that took Lao Po's photos insisted on her removing her earings (which were quite modest), pulling hair back, and not smiling. This seems to be a Chinese pasport requirement. No amount of arguement by me could dissuade the photographer and, of course, since a Chinese had one opinion and I had another the Chinese must be right ... sigh ... sha gua!

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