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D-230 wording question

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Looking at item 23, concerning educational institutions attended I have a question.


My wife was a 1-2-1 exchange student. 1 year in China, 2 USA, 1 China.


Little unsure if I should put China on one line, USA on 2nd




China on one line, USA on 2nd, China again on 3rd for the year she was back in China. It was the same university for China both times. Shenyang University. Troy State in Alabama for USA. Was a little worried about using 2 lines as times would appear to conflict, but using 3 lines and i couldnt list a degree on the first one.

Edited by trickyspark (see edit history)
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Any place that I see a form has "From / To" , I assume chronological order.


In your case, use three lines;

1) China , first dated period for this school

2) US

3) China , second dated period; list degree as occurring in this period !


The last one will list the degree [as issued in that from/to period]... the degree was not issued in the first dated period, right?

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Looking at item 23, concerning educational institutions attended I have a question.


My wife was a 1-2-1 exchange student. 1 year in China, 2 USA, 1 China.


Little unsure if I should put China on one line, USA on 2nd




China on one line, USA on 2nd, China again on 3rd for the year she was back in China.  It was the same university for China both times. Shenyang University. Troy State in Alabama for USA. Was a little worried about using 2 lines as times would appear to conflict, but using 3 lines and i couldnt list  a degree on the first one.


when we filled out this form my husband used two or three lines to explain about his company's address both in China and Houston. So I don't see any problem to use 3 lines to expain one thing clearly.

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