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One of the most frustrating parts of this process is the inability to get consistent, reliable information from the agencies involved. Mistakes can be made at every step of the way. Currently, we are awaiting the second replacement green card, there were errors on the first and the second. Back in April they told us we should be getting the card soon, in around 22 months. ;) :coolthumb: :yahoo: :Dah: ;)


Hang in there and please keep us posted.

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Mike, have fun in Poland.  I would offer to keep in touch with DOS for you but I'm afraid I might say something that I would regret, or at least I know you would regret.  :yahoo:


Thanks, Richard and Ron


At least through next week I will be able to call DOS on my cell phone. I know that it works from the Boy Scout camp I will be at. After I leave for Poland the following day, I'll have sporadic computer access, but no phone. So really, I will be out of phone contact with DOS for only about 2 1/2 weeks. We've waited this long. I told Richard that if things aren't broken loose by the time I return on the 25th, I'll get that name from him and start making other arrangements.


I will call DOS again this afternoon and see if I get get someone competent enough to be able to answer my question about this late name-check business.


Thanks again, Guys.




P.S. Paul (Wheelman)...you know I was kidding, right? Well, not about bushy or texas, though ;) YeeHaw!!!!!


P.P.S Ron, it was actually the stress of not knowing if my committed trip to Poland was going to conflict with the interview (and throw in the spectre of a potential jury duty date) that caused me to blow off a bit of steam last week, know what I mean????? ;)


Hey Michael -


Thanks for your response and letting me hear from you. Firstly, I can read a lot of possible frustration in your postings. As your buddy, I'd like to tell you that everything will work out in the long run and things will be fine ... you'll see. Secondly, I am a guy who does a lot of kidding to others. One thing I will always remember that my mother taught me is that if I'm going to dish it out I have to be able to take it, hum. Well, you don't worry about kidding me - I can take it, ok. But as far as politics, you know the Presidental family is originally from the north east - not Texas. And hell, if there were such a thing as an A-political person it would be me. Anyway, you hang in there and keep us all posted on your progress and what's happening in yours and Manyun's life - we all really care, ok.


Wheel Man


I don't understand why our Baja Oklahoma members think they can speak for "we all". Sure, I care about Michael and Manyun but I'm pretty sure Goat Boy couldn't care less. After all, Manyun is not a "sheeps goil". :coolthumb:




Enjoy your trip, Michael. We'll keep the light on for ya.


Who said anything about speaking for you azhole - the "we all" in the text I believe you are referring to is everyone in my house and online in CFL that logs on using my screen name.


Stick it in your shorts,


Wheel Man

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Mike, have fun in Poland.?I would offer to keep in touch with DOS for you but I'm afraid I might say something that I would regret, or at least I know you would regret.? :P


Thanks, Richard and Ron


At least through next week I will be able to call DOS on my cell phone. I know that it works from the Boy Scout camp I will be at. After I leave for Poland the following day, I'll have sporadic computer access, but no phone. So really, I will be out of phone contact with DOS for only about 2 1/2 weeks. We've waited this long. I told Richard that if things aren't broken loose by the time I return on the 25th, I'll get that name from him and start making other arrangements.


I will call DOS again this afternoon and see if I get get someone competent enough to be able to answer my question about this late name-check business.


Thanks again, Guys.




P.S. Paul (Wheelman)...you know I was kidding, right? Well, not about bushy or texas, though :P YeeHaw!!!!!


P.P.S Ron, it was actually the stress of not knowing if my committed trip to Poland was going to conflict with the interview (and throw in the spectre of a potential jury duty date) that caused me to blow off a bit of steam last week, know what I mean????? ;)


Hey Michael -


Thanks for your response and letting me hear from you. Firstly, I can read a lot of possible frustration in your postings. As your buddy, I'd like to tell you that everything will work out in the long run and things will be fine ... you'll see. Secondly, I am a guy who does a lot of kidding to others. One thing I will always remember that my mother taught me is that if I'm going to dish it out I have to be able to take it, hum. Well, you don't worry about kidding me - I can take it, ok. But as far as politics, you know the Presidental family is originally from the north east - not Texas. And hell, if there were such a thing as an A-political person it would be me. Anyway, you hang in there and keep us all posted on your progress and what's happening in yours and Manyun's life - we all really care, ok.


Wheel Man


I don't understand why our Baja Oklahoma members think they can speak for "we all". Sure, I care about Michael and Manyun but I'm pretty sure Goat Boy couldn't care less. After all, Manyun is not a "sheeps goil". :rolleyes:




Enjoy your trip, Michael. We'll keep the light on for ya.


Who said anything about speaking for you azhole - the "we all" in the text I believe you are referring to is everyone in my house and online in CFL that logs on using my screen name.


Stick it in your shorts,


Wheel Man


Just in case someone here is NOT kidding, I am acquianted with both Paul and Mike (Pushbrk). I met Paul during my first visit to Nanning last fall, and I met Mike during my second visit this past spring. Personally, I got a chuckle out of Mike's comment because I know that he was kidding, based on my "texas" remark, especially when he mentions Goat Boy, who I have not seen post lately (and we are all the better for it.....)


I was going to answer Paul's comment about "bushy's" non-Texas roots, but I think I leave that for another time.


And besides, we are WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY :offtopic:


Michael :lol:

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I know I don't want to get involved in "we alls they alls, us alls, them alls, and you alls." Anyway, I thought "You alls" was a truck rental company. And "Goat Boy" - now that conjures up a lot of images. :offtopic:

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Guest pushbrk
Mike, have fun in Poland.  I would offer to keep in touch with DOS for you but I'm afraid I might say something that I would regret, or at least I know you would regret.   :lol:


Thanks, Richard and Ron


At least through next week I will be able to call DOS on my cell phone. I know that it works from the Boy Scout camp I will be at. After I leave for Poland the following day, I'll have sporadic computer access, but no phone. So really, I will be out of phone contact with DOS for only about 2 1/2 weeks. We've waited this long. I told Richard that if things aren't broken loose by the time I return on the 25th, I'll get that name from him and start making other arrangements.


I will call DOS again this afternoon and see if I get get someone competent enough to be able to answer my question about this late name-check business.


Thanks again, Guys.




P.S. Paul (Wheelman)...you know I was kidding, right? Well, not about bushy or texas, though :P YeeHaw!!!!!


P.P.S Ron, it was actually the stress of not knowing if my committed trip to Poland was going to conflict with the interview (and throw in the spectre of a potential jury duty date) that caused me to blow off a bit of steam last week, know what I mean????? :P


Hey Michael -


Thanks for your response and letting me hear from you. Firstly, I can read a lot of possible frustration in your postings. As your buddy, I'd like to tell you that everything will work out in the long run and things will be fine ... you'll see. Secondly, I am a guy who does a lot of kidding to others. One thing I will always remember that my mother taught me is that if I'm going to dish it out I have to be able to take it, hum. Well, you don't worry about kidding me - I can take it, ok. But as far as politics, you know the Presidental family is originally from the north east - not Texas. And hell, if there were such a thing as an A-political person it would be me. Anyway, you hang in there and keep us all posted on your progress and what's happening in yours and Manyun's life - we all really care, ok.


Wheel Man


I don't understand why our Baja Oklahoma members think they can speak for "we all". Sure, I care about Michael and Manyun but I'm pretty sure Goat Boy couldn't care less. After all, Manyun is not a "sheeps goil". :offtopic:




Enjoy your trip, Michael. We'll keep the light on for ya.


Who said anything about speaking for you azhole - the "we all" in the text I believe you are referring to is everyone in my house and online in CFL that logs on using my screen name.


Stick it in your shorts,


Wheel Man


Gee Paul, where's that sense of humor you were bragging about? :rolleyes:


I still have a Texas drivers license.

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Another call to DOS confirmed what I was told by GUZ by email. A name check was initiated by GUZ on May 11, and it is not yet complete. Unless I hear from others, that sounds like it took a very long time to initiate the check, no?


She (from DOS) requested that I ask very specific questions, and when I did, I was brushed off almost every time. Time to let it ride for a while, I guess. I have read where some members are in Name-Check Hell. I can empathize, although I am a newbie in this area.


The kicker is that My SO left Nanning for Wuhan 11 days ago to resolve a problem with her daughter's birth certificate. She was to return several days ago. Yet, I wait tonight, and I do not hear from her. We have had one chat session since, and I cound not gather much information through the translation program about where she was, and what she is doing.


I got a brief message from her this morning, and expected her to be on Yahoo tonight...yet, nothing. Am I on the edge? You bet. I leave in the morning for a week of Boy Scout work. My next chance to chat with her is 8 days away. This does not feel right.


I can't help it...sometimes I wonder just what the hell I am doing.


I am not really looking for comments or advice. I needed to put my thoughts somewhere rather than chewing on them as I try to sleep, so that I can make ready for tomorrow.

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The kicker is that My SO left Nanning for Wuhan 11 days ago to resolve a problem with her daughter's birth certificate. She was to return several days ago

I know you are not looking for comments, but, this has to be very frustrating for you. I think I would be going out of my mind. And Mike, sometimes you wonder why you are in this --- it's because you know the final result will be the ultimate happiness in your life. Hang in there man! Ron :)

Edited by RLS (see edit history)
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The kicker is that My SO left Nanning for Wuhan 11 days ago to resolve a problem with her daughter's birth certificate. She was to return several days ago

I know you are not looking for comments, but, this has to be very frustrating for you. I think I would be going out of my mind. And Mike, sometimes you wonder why you are in this --- it's because you know the final result will be the ultimate happiness in your life. Hang in there man! Ron B)


Thanks, buddy.


I'll catch you all (fellow CFLers :angry: ) in a week.


Good luck to those that need it, and congratulations where appropriate.


Michael B)

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Michael...hope ya see this before you take off for the Boy Scouts.....Please do not woory about her contacting you. Communication is very difficult outside the big cities and towns!! Cell phones and internet connections are terrible!! It will drive ya crazy...but all is good!! Enjoy your trip!!

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