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Our interview was for a K1, not a K3 but the interviews are held in the same place, the Immigration Visa Unit at GZ. I would expect the process is similar. First, it is not like a courtroom. You stand at a window, kind of like buying a bus ticket. The officer sits behind the window and asks you questions. I think it is kind like "luck of the draw" in regards to what kind of questions they ask. Some officers are tougher than others. In our case, he only asked two questions, looked at a few photos and approved the visa. The interview lasted less than four minutes tops. I have heard of others who have had a more difficult time, but the standard seems to be pretty short and quick. In our case, the officer was looking for proof that ours was a legitimate relationship. I would expect it would be similar for a K3 and the officer would be trying to determine if the marriage was a legitimate one and not a fraudulent one designed to get a visa. Perhaps others can share their experiences with you. Like I said, ours was very short and sweet.

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My wife says her interview was "easy". Only lasted a few minutes. They started in English and after she answered a couple of questions she asked to speak Chinese and they brought an interpreter over. She says they asked how we met and where we were going to live and what I did for a living. Then spent a few moments on asking her what she thought about my beard and joking about that. She had about a five inch stack of documentation with her carefully sorted, labeled and in clear plastic folders. They only looked at the police certificate, our marriage certificate and her birth certificate. Took the medical forms and gave her the dreaded white slip. Finally came back six months later and picked up the visa with no problems.

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