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Guest pushbrk
I believe this letter will be the most important document my SO will bring to the interview and something we have not discussed enough recently.  I have already written and re-written mine several times.  This is the only avenue I have to "talk" to the visa officer handling our case.


It will not be an "Intent to Marry" letter, I submitted that one with my I-129F and the fact that my petition was approved tells me it was accepted.


Nor will it be written along the lines of the statement specified in item 9 of the infamous pink sheets since I was not directed  to provide that information


Instead, my letter will be one of introduction and explanation.


Since I cannot be at the interview, this is my chance to let the visa officer learn a little about me before he decides my future for me.  I want him to see and feel the partner of the lady sitting in front of him.  It is one way to let him know that that lady is not alone, that her future and mine are tied together.


I also want to use this letter to address any of the potential "red flags" that may be found.  If I can satisfy the visa officer with a statement in  this letter, it may save me from getting notarized copies of documents to answer a formal inquiry later.  There was a very good list of potential "red flags" posted a while ago and I printed a copy so I can be sure to cover all that apply to our case.  This is where I will cover "the evolution of our relationship" since in my case, it is a likely red flag


I believe the format of the letter is critical and it must be no more than one page in length.  I want it done in such a way that even out of the corner of his idea, he will see the points I am addressing.   Anything that needs much explanation will be addressed on a separate sheet of paper and only summarized in my letter so it doesn't get cluttered and difficult to read.


And I will not address anything covered elsewhere in the documents required for the interview, I will save the precious space in my letter for things not covered elsewhere.


Thank you all for your advice. I see there is more than one way to do this . I belive in making a offical document to provide is good as well as a statement of who what when and where I belive this would be more the evolution of relationship .And keeping it simple but complete is a good idea I belive i will make one of each with my supporting document's of passport and flight reciept's And put it into a folder with a nice cover page......Beside's all I have to do now is wait so might as well put my time to good use it might be over kill .But at least it will be complete and professional. Any one else with advice please let me know .I figure the V.O SEE'S SO MANY OF THESE WHEN HE SEE'S ONE WITH ALL MATERIAL LAID OUT IN A EASY TO FIND AND PROFESSIONAL manner HE IS PROBALLY MORE INCLINED TO PASS IT


Paul has referred to two different letters in this thread, although I think he intended only to refer to one. In the title of the thread he calls it "Intent to Marry Document". This document should have been submitted with his petition. It is very simple, like the example Mikey gave earlier in the thread.


Later Paul refers to evolution of relationship, which is what Travelers wrote about, and the only thing useful AFTER filing a petition that is already approved.


My advice is to write and re-write this letter until you are satisfied. Then show it to somebody you trust for a critique for readability, spelling and punctuation etc. The letter will be more easily understood if it is chronological, and brief. A single page is preferrable.


Once you have it to your satisfaction, you might edit out the personal details and post it here for comment if you wish. Finally, notarize and get it to her.

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evolution of relationship, which is what Travelers wrote about, and the only thing useful AFTER filing a petition that is already approved.


I don't know why you suggest it is only useful AFTER... Based on what experience or observations at this consulate?


There is no reason the VO needs to accept nor read any letter they did not ask for at the interview.. In fact, they are known to refuse them.


If you want to truly be assured that someone reads it, then include it in the petition (as I did).. Both USCIS and the VO will see it. It is both business like and heart-felt, combined in one Intent to Marry letter...

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Guest pushbrk
evolution of relationship, which is what Travelers wrote about, and the only thing useful AFTER filing a petition that is already approved.


I don't know why you suggest it is only useful AFTER... Based on what experience or observations at this consulate?


There is no reason the VO needs to accept nor read any letter they did not ask for at the interview.. In fact, they are known to refuse them.


If you want to truly be assured that someone reads it, then include it in the petition (as I did).. Both USCIS and the VO will see it. It is both business like and heart-felt, combined in one Intent to Marry letter...


Maybe I wasn't clear. The OP is awaiting P4. So, for them the letter is after approval. I agree that such a letter is a good idea to include in a K1/K2 petition provided there is documentation to back everything up in the letter and that nothing IN the letter raises red flags.


So, did you combine your intent to marry and evolution of relationship in one document?

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I included two in the original application along with supporting evidence of everything mentioned with an outline listing everything in the packet.


At interview nothing additional was asked for except pictures (most were in the packet already with dates and references). She handed the VO a CD with a screensaver I had sent her of our times together. He popped it in, smiled, interview over.


I believe the important thing is to present anything that might be questioned with supporting documentation in your favor. This should all be with the application. Make it easy for them to have no doubts of fraud (they are not looking for love but rather visa fraud which means using a K-1 for other intent than marrying). So they can have the decision to pass before interview. Make it organized and simple so a rushed gov employee can scan it for gaps and red flags and find none.

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Question for you guys: Although I am a CR1, I often wondered if I should have included such a letter with my I130 petition. Is it too late now, or should I (Or anyone else who is a CR1, or K3 for that matter) submit such a letter (Not with an intent to marry, but rather decsribing the relationship etc) before the case is being sent to GUZ?

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Guest pushbrk
Question for you guys: Although I am a CR1, I often wondered if I should have included such a letter with my I130 petition. Is it too late now, or should I (Or anyone else who is a CR1, or K3 for that matter) submit such a letter (Not with an intent to marry, but rather decsribing the relationship etc) before the case is being sent to GUZ?


I think it is too late, once your petition is approved by USCIS and is likely to cause delay, if delivered between submission and approval. You're in DOS hands now. You could write the letter and put it in the kitchen sink your wife takes to GUZ.

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Question for you guys: Although I am a CR1, I often wondered if I should have included such a letter with my I130 petition. Is it too late now, or should I (Or anyone else who is a CR1, or K3 for that matter) submit such a letter (Not with an intent to marry, but rather decsribing the relationship etc) before the case is being sent to GUZ?


There's no equivalent request for spousal petitions... the approval is based on different criteria.


I do think that for K1s, it's worthwhile to consider for the petition... Our dataset is too small to truly know the impact, but every K1 I know who did this had an incredibly easy interview.


For spousal applicants, you could include one for the interview as Mike said.. I would say that it is a valid form of proof of an ongoing relationship... But it's a toss up if the VO will read it (I've never heard of a VO asking for such a letter at an interview--but similar requests are done for overcome)...

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Question for you guys: Although I am a CR1, I often wondered if I should have included such a letter with my I130 petition. Is it too late now, or should I (Or anyone else who is a CR1, or K3 for that matter) submit such a letter (Not with an intent to marry, but rather decsribing the relationship etc) before the case is being sent to GUZ?


There's no equivalent request for spousal petitions... the approval is based on different criteria.


I do think that for K1s, it's worthwhile to consider for the petition... Our dataset is too small to truly know the impact, but every K1 I know who did this had an incredibly easy interview.


For spousal applicants, you could include one for the interview as Mike said.. I would say that it is a valid form of proof of an ongoing relationship... But it's a toss up if the VO will read it (I've never heard of a VO asking for such a letter at an interview--but similar requests are done for overcome)...


It look's as though my post was a little confusing.I initially when i applied for the k1 did the letter of intent to marry as well as my fiance. But I was under the impression it is good to have a updated one for the interview day.As well The evolution of the relationship I was implying to send a document to show relationship up to interview date a summarry of time spent on trips and so forth to have this prepared if it was asked for so yes i was talking of 2 different document's sorry for the confusion as well as my travel document's I was wanting to put all of this in a folder to be given to the v.o if any of these thing's where asked for i think they would some what tie together ..... Maybe my thought's on this are not with proper knwledge but just trying to head off any possible problems before thery would happen with our case

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Guest pushbrk
Question for you guys: Although I am a CR1, I often wondered if I should have included such a letter with my I130 petition. Is it too late now, or should I (Or anyone else who is a CR1, or K3 for that matter) submit such a letter (Not with an intent to marry, but rather decsribing the relationship etc) before the case is being sent to GUZ?


There's no equivalent request for spousal petitions... the approval is based on different criteria.


I do think that for K1s, it's worthwhile to consider for the petition... Our dataset is too small to truly know the impact, but every K1 I know who did this had an incredibly easy interview.


For spousal applicants, you could include one for the interview as Mike said.. I would say that it is a valid form of proof of an ongoing relationship... But it's a toss up if the VO will read it (I've never heard of a VO asking for such a letter at an interview--but similar requests are done for overcome)...


It look's as though my post was a little confusing.I initially when i applied for the k1 did the letter of intent to marry as well as my fiance. But I was under the impression it is good to have a updated one for the interview day.As well The evolution of the relationship I was implying to send a document to show relationship up to interview date a summarry of time spent on trips and so forth to have this prepared if it was asked for so yes i was talking of 2 different document's sorry for the confusion as well as my travel document's I was wanting to put all of this in a folder to be given to the v.o if any of these thing's where asked for i think they would some what tie together ..... Maybe my thought's on this are not with proper knwledge but just trying to head off any possible problems before thery would happen with our case


Yes, if you write such a letter, putting it on top of any pile of relationship proof documentation is a good idea. What you really hope for is that none of that pile will ever be needed. :huh:


In some cases the letter, if accurate, could raise some flags. For instance, if the data on your letter shows a short time between first meeting online and marriage, it's not going to "help" because it's going to be the first thing evident when the chronological letter is read. Since those are my circumstances, any such letter will be in the overcome only pile, not the proof of relationship stack.

Edited by pushbrk (see edit history)
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