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how important for me to be at interview

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Guest ShaQuaNew
If you are down to one choice: be at the interview, or take the return flight with her, why not ask her what would be better for her?


Again, for those that have the time and money to go to the interview, why the hell not? For those that believe that their jobs and finances might be pinched a little, would be better off using the methodology I mentioned in my previous post.....

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The women in Guangzhou I know in person, all passed their interview while the petitioners were not here, but a few of them did get severely questioned when they entered the territory of US and they had to call their SO for help.

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Guest ShaQuaNew
The women in Guangzhou I know in person, all passed their interview while the petitioners were not here, but a few of them did get severely questioned when they entered the territory of US and they had to call their SO for help.


This is an important point. I am flying to the POE to meet my family when they arrive in the US for just that reason. While it would be nice and romantic to be at the interview and first flight with them, the savings are just too great to pass up. There is really nothing more that I could do by being there that can't be done from here. They will pass with or without me.......

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I think it's more of an advantage to be there for the interview than many of the opinions above.


I went to ACH the Friday before and reviewed all issues with our package. The VO that interviewed Lao Po could see that in his computer.


I think the following are key points for success:


1. Have a good income, well above what is required and document it well. I-134, employer letter, tax returns, and recent pay stubs.


2. Present solid evidence of several trips to China. I had scans of airline boarding passes and Chinese visa stamps


3. Show compelling proof of frequent communication. I had 60 pages of Skype info including calls and payments, a few e-mails, and lots of screen captures from webcam chats including mama, daughter, sister, etc.


4. Have a good selection of family pictures show you with as many relatives as you can under a variety of circumstances.


5. Coach her to be confident. Rehearse answers. Know your strategy under many circumstances. Make sure she can quickly find evidence in her stack. Practice, practice, practice. Include what to do if she gets blue slip. She must understand what is needed to overcome, she should visit Window 30, and she should take time to carefully think and look through what she has to see if she already has the evidence with her. If she does present it at Window 30.


If you've covered all those bases well you're 99+% assured of the visa. If you have holes plug them. If you anticipate problems or complexity be there with her.

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Guest pushbrk
I think it's more of an advantage to be there for the interview than many of the opinions above.


I went to ACH the Friday before and reviewed all issues with our package.  The VO that interviewed Lao Po could see that in his computer.


I think the following are key points for success:


1. Have a good income, well above what is required and document it well.  I-134, employer letter, tax returns, and recent pay stubs.


2. Present solid evidence of several trips to China.  I had scans of airline boarding passes and Chinese visa stamps


3. Show compelling proof of frequent communication.  I had 60 pages of Skype info including calls and payments, a few e-mails, and lots of screen captures from webcam chats including mama, daughter, sister, etc.


4. Have a good selection of family pictures show you with as many relatives as you can under a variety of circumstances.


5. Coach her to be confident.  Rehearse answers. Know your strategy under many circumstances.  Make sure she can quickly find evidence in her stack.  Practice, practice, practice.  Include what to do if she gets blue slip.  She must understand what is needed to overcome, she should visit Window 30, and she should take time to carefully think and look through what she has to see if she already has the evidence with her. If she does present it at Window 30.


If you've covered all those bases well you're 99+% assured of the visa.  If you have holes plug them.  If you anticipate problems or complexity be there with her.


I can't imagine a logical argument against what Jim has asserted. Still, when faced with a choice, we must make what we determine is the best choice for us.


It is difficult for hindsight to tell us which key element made the difference between success and failure in a SUCCESSFUL interview. It is much easier to perform an autopsy on an UNSUCCESSFUL one. :greenblob:


I'm still convinced that provided the paperwork is in order, the biggest determining factor under the petitioner and beneficiary's control is their own confidence and demeanor.


I'm beginning to get the impression that attending a preceding Citizen's hour is of great value, even if not immediately before the interview.

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