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Sawing Wood

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If if take a nap during the day, I usually sleep on my back, and Jie says that is when I snore very loud. In fact my snores sometimes wake myself up. I asked the doctor what to do about it and he too recommended that if I am too loud, I should consider sleeping in another room.


We have a guestroom, and so I tried taking my nap there but it didnt work. My snore still woke me up.

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I have been a snorer all of my adult life. Girlfriends who would spend the night were given a pack of soft earplugs to use or they would go home. I used to snore so loud that friends would walk up my driveway in the afternoon and think that I was running a power tool. And, this is no exaggeration. As I grew older, it became worse. Especially, if I had a few drinks. I was tired all the time. It was difficult for me to wake, in the mornings. I’d want to take naps in my car at lunchtime. I would nod off at my computer at work. I’d take a nap, as soon as I got home.


I had a complete physical and my doctor decided that I needed to have a sleep study done. I spent one night in hospital where they determined that I have sleep apnea. I have been sleeping with a CPAP (Continuous Positive Air Pressure) machine for 10 years now. I wear a mask that blows filtered air up my nose. If/when I open my mouth air rushes out of my mouth, thus not allowing me to snore. This treatment is NOT to stop snoring, per se. This treatment is to keep oxygen flowing to my heart. With a restricted air passage, O2 cannot effectively enter the circulator system. Over time, this can become very serious and dangerous. The heart must work harder. You tire easily, and want to sleep all the time. The metabolism slows and the weight increases.


As we age, we gain and hold fat. Typically fatty tissue builds up in the neck, where it will block the air passage and cause snoring. There are different methods to treat this. Certainly, wearing a mask to breath at night isn’t very sexy. Two common surgeries are: UPPP and LAUP. These are commonly performed throat surgeries which surgically remove the uvula and parts of the soft palate. Others include the scarring of the uvula, as was mentioned by AmberJack. In my case, UPPP or LAUP surgery won’t help, as I have loose jaw sockets that cause my jaw to collapse when I lie down which restricts the air passage.


Sleep apnea and sleep disorders are not something to be ignored. When and if you go for a sleep study, they will have your partner answer a questionnaire. As, your partner will know better than you what kind of sleep you get at night.

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I dont think most people are aware of the seriousness of sleep apnia, especially when combined with excess weight. I was first made aware of it when I wrote a life insurance policy for a client of mine, and his policy came back 'rated', meaning he paid an additional premium for the added risk.....it was not necessarily the weight, nor the apnia itself, but for the presence of both...I learned there is a higher mortality for folks with that combination.

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something i have noticed which i am sorta not too happy about but am trying to accept it is, Chun has grown up with her father snoring in the house...sawing that serious wood at night..

her mom is a very light sleeper as is ChunYan. her mom sleeps in seperate rooms because of this,


She has asked me to set up a room for her like her mom has for when i snore. she said she'd sleep with me on a normal basis as long as i dont snore.


i know also its not fair to her if she cant sleep. but to me that means shes gonna end up in the guest room every night unless i can find a way not to snore.

ive tried the breathe right strips but i end up ripping my skin off in the morning trying to remove them and they really dont work :greenblob:



any suggestions?


Hahaha.....I'm told I snore,but actually I've never heard myself.My SO sure saws the logs though.............Try not to sleep on your back,elevate your head.Blow your nose good before bed.Give these a try....and if you don't mind being bumped,tell your SO to bump you when you start snoring.I bump my SO and she only turns over,and usually the snoring stops.I still swear I don't snore..(hahahahaha).....

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I like to refer to my snoring as purring... ;)


I'm sure your wife would compare it to the purring of a Detroit Diesel. :beer:


Ok I will come out of the closet too. ** I SNORE** there I said it.

My ex and Kids said I was very loud at times. I lost some weight and that helped a bit. Funny thing is 2nd time i was in China my Wife recorded my snoring and when she can not sleep she plays it. She says it helps her sleep ;) .

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