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4 months already ,haven't seen the p3!

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i m k1 from vsc , my case was sent to gz on 1.12, now ,4months passed , still can't see the p3 , we have tried our best ,but still no further information ..

1..called DOS , for the first few times ,they said in china custom , but i can see my package was signed on 3.1 in dhl's website ..so my finace called it again just now, told them we knew it is impossible in custom ,so they didn't say in china custom anymore ,but even worse, they have no information now ~~~~i wonder why they keep our case in the gz embassy and don't do anything for us .

2..sent email to gz embassy, have been waited for more than a week ,finally got the reply but just told me to call 4008 which need to pay ..ok, i will try , but as i know , other ppl called 4008, still useless , what can we do for that ?

there are so many cases sent in march already got their p3, so what the hell they don't give me p3 ? my case was sent in jan. and signed on 3.1 , already stayed in the gz embassy for more than 2 months . .... isn't that dealed by order?? can i do anything ?

k1 should be the fastest , how come it turns out to be such time wasting ...i miss my bf's hug and kiss, everything :lol:

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Unfortunately, other than calling DOS about once a week there is not much you can do:


Take a look at:




GUZ is very busy right now so there is a bit of a bottleneck happening. I know it's hard, but do try your best to be patient.


finally someone can give me reply ... :( I understand they are busy , but since they know it is a bottleneck , why they don't deal with it first ? we can't just doing nothing but wait , it seems to me i have to wait endless ...

i wonder why they just let us wait for such a long time but deal with the cases sent to gz later than us for more than 2 months , isn't that unfair to us ?? i am sorry to say that but i do feel so .i hope u can understand my feeling !! could u tell me isn't that dealed by orders ?? i thought so but i just found out it is not that case !!!!!

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Unfortunately, other than calling DOS about once a week there is not much you can do:


Take a look at:




GUZ is very busy right now so there is a bit of a bottleneck happening. I know it's hard, but do try your best to be patient.


finally someone can give me reply ... :( I understand they are busy , but since they know it is a bottleneck , why they don't deal with it first ? we can't just doing nothing but wait , it seems to me i have to wait endless ...

i wonder why they just let us wait for such a long time but deal with the cases sent to gz later than us for more than 2 months , isn't that unfair to us ?? i am sorry to say that but i do feel so .i hope u can understand my feeling !! could u tell me isn't that dealed by orders ?? i thought so but i just found out it is not that case !!!!!


Welcome dxychristy. What ShaQuaNew has said is the reality of things.


In order of arrival?


I feel that since all cases are different in one way or another the time for processing varies as well.


Good Luck

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Push the button entitled PATIENCE.


Start with a time line so we can see how you are doing overall.


Then hope that you crossed every "T" and dotted every "I".


Then hope that you are not randomly chosen for additional checks or "Administrative Review".


Then hope that you are not lost or severely misplaced.


Then buy some cheetos and pull up a chair....


Good luck,



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Sent by NVC 1/20/06


Signed by stamp 3/15/06


To date///No P3.


We have been passed by several later applicants. Luck of the draw?


WOW ! ! !


So many others in my neck of the woods... I know it sounds bad, but thank goodness I'm not the only one :P


It makes me feel better that I can share this most awful moment with others.. Thank you to all...


Our case was sent 01/24/06 and still no P3... I wrote a post asking when is the right time to freak out... I thought I was alone in this, but it appears that there are several cases from January being held up... This could be a good question for GUZ to answer?


Just a thought... an FYI... or what ever... I paid 2k for a lawyer to file my K1... he and his staff have been great up until this point... when the s*** hits the fan and information is hard to come by, his arms go up and say "I don't know what to tell you"... I get a great sense of security using a lawyer, but when it come to information gathering, its this website! A matter a fact, I told him that he should visit this place once in a while to better serve his clients... Would I use a lawyer again? Most likely... :lol:

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Sent by NVC 1/20/06


Signed by stamp 3/15/06


To date///No P3.


We have been passed by several later applicants. Luck of the draw?


WOW ! ! !


So many others in my neck of the woods... I know it sounds bad, but thank goodness I'm not the only one :P


It makes me feel better that I can share this most awful moment with others.. Thank you to all...


Our case was sent 01/24/06 and still no P3... I wrote a post asking when is the right time to freak out... I thought I was alone in this, but it appears that there are several cases from January being held up... This could be a good question for GUZ to answer?


Just a thought... an FYI... or what ever... I paid 2k for a lawyer to file my K1... he and his staff have been great up until this point... when the s*** hits the fan and information is hard to come by, his arms go up and say "I don't know what to tell you"... I get a great sense of security using a lawyer, but when it come to information gathering, its this website! A matter a fact, I told him that he should visit this place once in a while to better serve his clients... Would I use a lawyer again? Most likely... :lol:


yes, u are not alone , so many cases sent on 1.12 haven't seen our p3 , 1.12 is a huge package , i wonder they are afraid to open that package which means more works to them !!! now my finace begin to turn to his senators, cos it already 4 months to us ,we can't just wait but doing nothing , hope they can help !!

i do thank my finace so much , he did a lot for us , i love him !!!

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