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Guest ShaQuaNew

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..----------------------------------  Upcoming  Interview  Date  Table  ------------------------------------"

..CFL Name..............NVC Sent.....P3........P4......Interview..Type...Pass..Comments



".A Mafan...............02/10/06..04/05/06..--/--/--...--/--/--....K1....---...None......


".Michael and Manyun....01/20/06..--/--/--..--/--/--...--/--/--....K1....---...None......










would like to add our dates for K1

P3 3/15/06

P4 4/15/06

interview 5/22/06

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David has FTP access to the FAQ directory. He can push any updates there and provide a link from the main forum. I'll pin and close it so it will be readily available to members but not run into endless posts.


jesse... looks like I don't have to convince Don of anything.. he's already reading our minds !! :)


We do prefer to do 'backdoor' updates and a closed pinned thread would work out well...


The only logistically issue is users having a place to state updates, and so don't really see any problem with a pinned [openly endless] thread either... the first post (or two) would be the chart(s).


so far, jesse and I are talking of the timeline chart being more a continuously up to date chart rather than by month. This would probaby be based on 'NVC sent', as the starting point, to keep it simple and free of too much info. This one is the priority to get online ASAP.


Then there could be a [second] 'historical' chart with those who are done with their interviews... Maybe containing info starting with the initial submission... I've already pulled together the last 12 months of data from the past timeline posts (maybe this would be post #2, updated 'backdoor' as well). also thinking of having the historical one be a web based Excel file so people can sort and filter it...

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Thanks Jesse and David, very well done ...



now could you please:


1. Add a small photo of each individual


2. Provide personal e-mail addresses available on mouse over in case GZ wants to use this list to give individuals advance notice on a personal basis


3. Provide a link to the menu of the KFC nearest the consulate


... it would be best if this could be done by Sunday afternoon :rolleyes:

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Thanks Jesse and David, very well done ...



now could you please:


1. Add a small photo of each individual


2. Provide personal e-mail addresses available on mouse over in case GZ wants to use this list to give individuals advance notice on a personal basis


3. Provide a link to the menu of the KFC nearest the consulate


... it would be best if this could be done by Sunday afternoon       :ph34r:


Jim this was..... :rolleyes: :ph34r: :lol: :) :roller:...I am confident that Jesse and David will get on it right away!!!

Edited by chef4u (see edit history)
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Thanks for the Kudos guys. DavidZixuan is helping out with some code in Excel. We are very limited as to what we can do on this site so we're having to come up with workarounds to make the chart easy to read here, and also easy to manage in an external environment. For those that are code-savvy, you can see that there are a good number of tags used in order to make it look like it does.


I've developed a spreadsheet for input and analysis, coupled with some code to enable to tags to be where they should. David's helping with the more advanced formulas in Excel, so he too deserves some thanks here.


I think many would agree that having a single place where we could all click and look at a chart for a particular visa type would be a great addition. Also, having that chart live in a place on the server where it can be updated as our members timelines change. This would be much easier to view and manage over that of an on-going thread.


I don't know about the rest of you, but I've spent a good deal of time tracking other peoples timelines to see how they compare with my own. We can all get a better idea how long the process it taking for others, and in turn will take for us. While VJ has it's own timeline tracking system, I don't think it user-friendly, or easily readable. The idea here is to have a single place where we can view a sorted history of timelines as they appear from the oldest, to the newest.


Keep in mind, while suggestions are welcome, we are very limited as to what we can do here. The columns were picked according the the major events that apply to most visas.


Jesse and David...thank you both. You guys are key players on CFL in my book. And, you have both PM'd me out of the blue to offer comments and support.


Reinstituting the timeline is nothing short of fantastic. I have tried with very limited success to manually check other signatures, but I just don't have the time or patience. What you guys are doing is a great service to the rest of the members.


And now, I can readily see that Jesse and I have already been passed by regarding the receipt of the P3. I called DOS 3 times last week. On Monday at 11:00 a.m. EDT I got the message that they were closed that day. On Tuesday at 1:30, same thing. On Thursday at 3:30 I got through, but was told that my wait time would be at least 20 minutes. My boss walked into my office, and that was the end of my wait. I will try again this coming Monday.


Again, a heartfelt thanks for giving up some of your free time to help the rest of us out.




Call DOS at 8:30 est and you won't ever wait for more then 5 min. Also dont forget they are closed for lunch.

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Thanks for the Kudos guys. DavidZixuan is helping out with some code in Excel. We are very limited as to what we can do on this site so we're having to come up with workarounds to make the chart easy to read here, and also easy to manage in an external environment. For those that are code-savvy, you can see that there are a good number of tags used in order to make it look like it does.


I've developed a spreadsheet for input and analysis, coupled with some code to enable to tags to be where they should. David's helping with the more advanced formulas in Excel, so he too deserves some thanks here.


I think many would agree that having a single place where we could all click and look at a chart for a particular visa type would be a great addition. Also, having that chart live in a place on the server where it can be updated as our members timelines change. This would be much easier to view and manage over that of an on-going thread.


I don't know about the rest of you, but I've spent a good deal of time tracking other peoples timelines to see how they compare with my own. We can all get a better idea how long the process it taking for others, and in turn will take for us. While VJ has it's own timeline tracking system, I don't think it user-friendly, or easily readable. The idea here is to have a single place where we can view a sorted history of timelines as they appear from the oldest, to the newest.


Keep in mind, while suggestions are welcome, we are very limited as to what we can do here. The columns were picked according the the major events that apply to most visas.


Jesse and David...thank you both. You guys are key players on CFL in my book. And, you have both PM'd me out of the blue to offer comments and support.


Reinstituting the timeline is nothing short of fantastic. I have tried with very limited success to manually check other signatures, but I just don't have the time or patience. What you guys are doing is a great service to the rest of the members.


And now, I can readily see that Jesse and I have already been passed by regarding the receipt of the P3. I called DOS 3 times last week. On Monday at 11:00 a.m. EDT I got the message that they were closed that day. On Tuesday at 1:30, same thing. On Thursday at 3:30 I got through, but was told that my wait time would be at least 20 minutes. My boss walked into my office, and that was the end of my wait. I will try again this coming Monday.


Again, a heartfelt thanks for giving up some of your free time to help the rest of us out.




Call DOS at 8:30 est and you won't ever wait for more then 5 min. Also dont forget they are closed for lunch.


From 11:00 until 1:30?


I don't think so.

Edited by Michael and Manyun (see edit history)
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Thanks for the Kudos guys. DavidZixuan is helping out with some code in Excel. We are very limited as to what we can do on this site so we're having to come up with workarounds to make the chart easy to read here, and also easy to manage in an external environment. For those that are code-savvy, you can see that there are a good number of tags used in order to make it look like it does.


I've developed a spreadsheet for input and analysis, coupled with some code to enable to tags to be where they should. David's helping with the more advanced formulas in Excel, so he too deserves some thanks here.


I think many would agree that having a single place where we could all click and look at a chart for a particular visa type would be a great addition. Also, having that chart live in a place on the server where it can be updated as our members timelines change. This would be much easier to view and manage over that of an on-going thread.


I don't know about the rest of you, but I've spent a good deal of time tracking other peoples timelines to see how they compare with my own. We can all get a better idea how long the process it taking for others, and in turn will take for us. While VJ has it's own timeline tracking system, I don't think it user-friendly, or easily readable. The idea here is to have a single place where we can view a sorted history of timelines as they appear from the oldest, to the newest.


Keep in mind, while suggestions are welcome, we are very limited as to what we can do here. The columns were picked according the the major events that apply to most visas.


Jesse and David...thank you both. You guys are key players on CFL in my book. And, you have both PM'd me out of the blue to offer comments and support.


Reinstituting the timeline is nothing short of fantastic. I have tried with very limited success to manually check other signatures, but I just don't have the time or patience. What you guys are doing is a great service to the rest of the members.


And now, I can readily see that Jesse and I have already been passed by regarding the receipt of the P3. I called DOS 3 times last week. On Monday at 11:00 a.m. EDT I got the message that they were closed that day. On Tuesday at 1:30, same thing. On Thursday at 3:30 I got through, but was told that my wait time would be at least 20 minutes. My boss walked into my office, and that was the end of my wait. I will try again this coming Monday.


Again, a heartfelt thanks for giving up some of your free time to help the rest of us out.




Call DOS at 8:30 est and you won't ever wait for more then 5 min. Also dont forget they are closed for lunch.


From 11:00 until 1:30?


I don't think so.


Maybe they have caller ID........ :angry:

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Guest ShaQuaNew

..---------------------------------- Upcoming Interview Date Table ------------------------------------"

..CFL Name..............NVC Sent.....P3........P4......Interview..Type...Pass..Comments








".Michael and Manyun....01/20/06..--/--/--..--/--/--...--/--/--....K1....---...None......




".A Mafan...............02/10/06..04/05/06..--/--/--...--/--/--....K1....---...None......










Edited by ShaQuaNew (see edit history)
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Guest ShaQuaNew
That's not quite what I wanted it to do, but what do you think?


Looks good, but it does require using IE versus firefox or other browser to view properly.


Thanks Don!

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