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war with Iraq

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If America starts the war with Iraq, what will the American Consulate do during the time? Will the consulate close or will they still operate? Maybe they will have limited operation hours with increased security? I am not sure but I am worried about this situation...... I have heard on the news that a first strike could happen late next week. We have all been waiting for so long and I know that a war is very serious and American lives will be lost, and I may sound selfish, but we have been waiting too long and I miss my wife very much and want my her here with me.


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If America starts the war with Iraq, what will the American Consulate do during the time? Will the consulate close or will they still operate? Maybe they will have limited operation hours with increased security? I am not sure but I am worried about this situation...... I have heard on the news that a first strike could happen late next week.  We have all been waiting for so long and I know that a war is very serious and American lives will be lost, and I may sound selfish, but we have been waiting too long and I miss my wife very much and want my her here with me.


I will assume that GZ will stay open. The Iraq government will be crazy to attack the consulate in China. However, the people at GZ may be distracted by the war and won't work as hard.


In today's news, Explosion in southern Philippines (airport) kills at least 19, injures more than 100. A powerful bomb hidden in a backpack.


We can't worry about everything or it will ruin our lives.

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I would not think that the Consulates in China would be affected if war breaks out in the Middle East. Might see a bit of increased security around the place. As far as visas are concerned, there should be no impact. I hope and pray, however, that there will be no war. May peace prevail.

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I would not think that the Consulates in China would be affected if war breaks out in the Middle East. Might see a bit of increased security around the place. As far as visas are concerned, there should be no impact. I hope and pray, however, that there will be no war. May peace prevail.

I wouldn't think the Consulates in China would be affected, what I am worrying a little is the DOS guys (or FBIs) working on the clearance might be re-assigned...

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I would not think that the Consulates in China would be affected if war breaks out in the Middle East. Might see a bit of increased security around the place. As far as visas are concerned, there should be no impact. I hope and pray, however, that there will be no war. May peace prevail.


Looks like the US is having some second thought today.... Too much opposition from the Security Council... and those damn Frogs :lol:

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I would not think that the Consulates in China would be affected if war breaks out in the Middle East. Might see a bit of increased security around the place. As far as visas are concerned, there should be no impact. I hope and pray, however, that there will be no war. May peace prevail.


Looks like the US is having some second thought today.... Too much opposition from the Security Council... and those damn Frogs :lol:

[uS] they are really loud!!! :lol: :lol: :D :D

[iRAQ] :D

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I would not think that the Consulates in China would be affected if war breaks out in the Middle East. Might see a bit of increased security around the place. As far as visas are concerned, there should be no impact. I hope and pray, however, that there will be no war. May peace prevail.


Looks like the US is having some second thought today.... Too much opposition from the Security Council... and those damn Frogs :D

I hate to admit it Eric, but on this one I'm with the Frogs. (Don't let the blasted Brits hear about it though)!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I would not think that the Consulates in China would be affected if war breaks out in the Middle East. Might see a bit of increased security around the place. As far as visas are concerned, there should be no impact. I hope and pray, however, that there will be no war. May peace prevail.


Looks like the US is having some second thought today.... Too much opposition from the Security Council... and those damn Frogs :lol:

I hate to admit it Eric, but on this one I'm with the Frogs. (Don't let the blasted Brits hear about it though)!!!! <_< <_< <_<

So am I ... So am I...

I think we need to learn about "diplomacy"... Never been good at it..

And I really really don't want to start a debate here about this, so don't even try this at home kids ! ;)


Sooooooooo Mick, GZ on the 10th huh?? ... Say, how's your Visa card standing these days?? LOL

Not to alarm you, but I think I've seen on 001 some of ( I think ) your wife posts about acquiring a grand piano too... Owen's sweetie must have conspired and get a group discount... LOL


As Yuhui is concerned, I'm safe.. Just called me . She checked in with her 9 suitcases :lol: .. Nooooooooo prob !! Airborne in 2 hrs kids !! Wooohoo !!!!!!

I shan't sleep tonight.... Damn.

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I would not think that the Consulates in China would be affected if war breaks out in the Middle East. Might see a bit of increased security around the place. As far as visas are concerned, there should be no impact. I hope and pray, however, that there will be no war. May peace prevail.


Looks like the US is having some second thought today.... Too much opposition from the Security Council... and those damn Frogs :D

I hate to admit it Eric, but on this one I'm with the Frogs. (Don't let the blasted Brits hear about it though)!!!! :lol: :D :D

So am I ... So am I...

I think we need to learn about "diplomacy"... Never been good at it..

And I really really don't want to start a debate here about this, so don't even try this at home kids ! ;)


Sooooooooo Mick, GZ on the 10th huh?? ... Say, how's your Visa card standing these days?? LOL

Not to alarm you, but I think I've seen on 001 some of ( I think ) your wife posts about acquiring a grand piano too... Owen's sweetie must have conspired and get a group discount... LOL


As Yuhui is concerned, I'm safe.. Just called me . She checked in with her 9 suitcases :D .. Nooooooooo prob !! Airborne in 2 hrs kids !! Wooohoo !!!!!!

I shan't sleep tonight.... Damn.

All kidding aside Eric, do get some sleep. You're gonna need it. :D :P :P


Still planning to lay out of work on Thursday and Friday? :P

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I would not think that the Consulates in China would be affected if war breaks out in the Middle East. Might see a bit of increased security around the place. As far as visas are concerned, there should be no impact. I hope and pray, however, that there will be no war. May peace prevail.


Looks like the US is having some second thought today.... Too much opposition from the Security Council... and those damn Frogs :D

I hate to admit it Eric, but on this one I'm with the Frogs. (Don't let the blasted Brits hear about it though)!!!! :lol: :D :D

So am I ... So am I...

I think we need to learn about "diplomacy"... Never been good at it..

And I really really don't want to start a debate here about this, so don't even try this at home kids ! ;)


Sooooooooo Mick, GZ on the 10th huh?? ... Say, how's your Visa card standing these days?? LOL

Not to alarm you, but I think I've seen on 001 some of ( I think ) your wife posts about acquiring a grand piano too... Owen's sweetie must have conspired and get a group discount... LOL


As Yuhui is concerned, I'm safe.. Just called me . She checked in with her 9 suitcases :D .. Nooooooooo prob !! Airborne in 2 hrs kids !! Wooohoo !!!!!!

I shan't sleep tonight.... Damn.

All kidding aside Eric, do get some sleep. You're gonna need it. :P ;) :P


Still planning to lay out of work on Thursday and Friday? :P

you'd better believe it my man !

I'm sloushing on Thursday morn....

Yuhui and I MIGHT show up at the company Friday PM as so many ppl asked me about her,, also she can get the DOLLAR tour of the facility, as , well, she is an "unpaid" employee :D

I'll make it up Saturday night, I swear !!! <grin>

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I would be more concerned with N. Korea and the airspace for passenger flight, than I would be with Iraq.

Don't worry about airspace...

What I worry about is departure..... not the in-flight thing..

Well I guess it's always in my mind flying so much, but tonight, I have more reason to worry, until she lands here 14 hrs from now :lol:

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Back to the question....  GZ should not be impacted by whatever happens elsewhere. If there is intel that it is in danger, they will take appropriate action and maybe close temporarily. This has happened in other consulates in Asia that are less stable than China. I just don't see it happening at GZ.

I agree. What GZ will do if their is a war with Iraq? Nothing. Oh, wait, they are really good at doing that. What I meant was it will not have any great effect on them.

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