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Bringing my Honey Home

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Yes, I'm sure camping will be a new experience for her, and it'll be exciting.


I don't know anyone who ever goes camping in China, so it'll be something new.


One reason, I presume why camping isn't popular in China, is because people do not believe it is safe. People have been robbed in the woods.


I once told my friend that I was planning on sleeping outside under a tree beneath the stars on a trip to Macau with my girl. My friend told me not to do that. Although this is usually safe in the US to do, it is certainly not in asia. While you're asleep, someone could have knock a hammer into your head, and rob you while you're unconcious.


Jonathan...My SO and I were just talking about camping in China. Please look at these beautiful pictures of a recent camping trips in China










Sorry for being off topic a little. But want to say CONGRATULATIONS!!! Please, enjoy your camping trip in the US. If ever go back to China maybe you can check out this travel site.

Edited by chef4u (see edit history)
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Guest ShaQuaNew
Yes, I'm sure camping will be a new experience for her, and it'll be exciting.


I don't know anyone who ever goes camping in China, so it'll be something new.


One reason, I presume why camping isn't popular in China, is because people do not believe it is safe. People have been robbed in the woods.


I once told my friend that I was planning on sleeping outside under a tree beneath the stars on a trip to Macau with my girl. My friend told me not to do that. Although this is usually safe in the US to do, it is certainly not in asia. While you're asleep, someone could have knock a hammer into your head, and rob you while you're unconcious.


Jonathan...My SO and I were just talking about camping in China. Please look at these beautiful pictures of a recent camping trip in China








Can't get your links to work Cheffy.... :P

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Guest ShaQuaNew
Worked fine for me - very nice pictures!


It might be my machine, I started to get the site to load, but it won't complete. Seems very slow...

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Well we finally got our airline tickets, I will be flying from

Nashville to LA on the 18th of April and will meet her in LA,

we will spend the night and fly back the next day, then the

wonderful life begins, I can not wait to take her camping,

I think the mountains will be nice place to spend our first

camping trip  :P  :)  :)


Congratulations. I wish you and yours the very best in your new lives.


Larry T

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