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Just got my NOA

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I am pretty upset with the USCIS now.  I have been anxiously waiting for my NOA1 for my K-3.  Today, I open the mailbox to find a big envelope from NBC, my package (I thought).  The top of it is an I-797C stating the case has been rejected due to incorrect filing fee.  So the first thing I do is open my check register and sure enough the copy of the check I sent was for $170.  The funny thing about the package is it is bigger than I remember sending.  I find another I-797C under mine for someone else.  They have sent parts of my package along with someone else's package for maybe an EAD and something else, I wasn't too interested in trying to figure out what her package was about.  My I-797C says everthing was returned, which I don't think so, they have taken it apart, rearranged the papers and cut off all the tabs I put on the bottom.  I will go through tonight and try to salvage what I can so I can mail it tomorrow.  I did find the check I originally sent and it was for $170.  The passport photos of myself and my wife are missing.  They returned the passport photos for the other woman.


Question #1


Do I reassemble the package and send it back as for an initial filing?  Or, do I treat as an RFE and include the the I-797C I just recieved.


Question #2


What should I do with the other package?  Send it back to USCIS?  If so should I provide a cover letter for it.


Well, in short, the USCIS has taken at least 3 weeks on this blunder of theirs.  When will they take more.  At least my CR-1 is going through VSC.


Aside from the document shredding of 2002, that's the biggest act of incompetancy and irresponsibility from the USCIS I have ever heard.

You should make it known to D.C.


I agree! The person(s) sending the information to you violated someone else's privacy with their own incompetence and shoddy work! Just think about the information we've sent in... it's enough for identity theft, it's enough to hijack someone else's application. Maybe this is the only time it ever happened, probably Not! I think DOS and Homeland Security should be notified immediately.

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If your filing K-3, there is no "other" petition, until you recieve your NOA1. The 129F can not be submitted (to Chicago) until you recieve your NOA1 from CSC. I would follow the instructions given by the USCIS. Did you recieve a "rejection" letter or RFE? I would write a clear cover letter explaining the situation. Try to keep the facts in and opinions out of it.


Good luck,

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