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Chinese Propaganda Posters

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These brought back many memories, for my wife, Leiqin, some good and some not so good. It still facinates me to hear the stories of those who lived through this era. She reluctantly sang her childhood song of praise to Chairman Mao to me, tonight. It's interesting also to hear her tell me that while in school and being taught to recite the teaching of Chairman Mao, she used to daydream of a life in America. She says that it would be criminal for someone to speak ill of Chairman Mao or to speak good of the enemy America. Yet, people of all ages knew of American freedom, through word-of-mouth.







many more like these in this site...

Edited by Dennis143 (see edit history)
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Change is difficult it would be interesting to speculate if modern China could have evolved if left in the hands of war lords and most Chinese peasant workers. The Nationalists took Taiwan and progressed rapidly. However I doubt that would have happened without the U.S. help in the name of battling Communism. Also the peasants didn't migrate with the Nationalists. They enslaved the Taiwanese who could not even participate in government until recently. The problems of creating a unified nation was left to the Communists on the mainland.

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Actually, I think posters like this could only be considered propaganda OUTSIDE of China. Inside, they are just more rah-rah-zis-boom-bah 'yay for our side' and everybody does this. And should.



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When viewing the posters I thought of all the pain and humiliation many Chinese suffered during those difficult times, particularly in the Cultural Revolution. During the years I lived in China, I had the occasion to talk to many Chinese my age who went through the worst of that era. They told stories that would truly break your heart. My wife's mother and grandmother particularly had it difficult because one of the family members, a cousin I think, had married a Japanese.


Oh, but how times have changed. When I was living in Shantou, I attended the grand opening ceremony of the opening of the new Wal Mart. It was on the first two floors of a sparkling new high rise that housed other shops, mostly selling high tech gear and electronics.


At the opening ceremony out front, they had a rock band on one stage belting out heavy metal tunes. On another stage was a band dressed up like the old rock group Kiss, complete with their tongues hanging out. On the center stage was a fashion show, with young girls either skimpily clad or wearing bikinis (Shantou is a seaside city). I remember taking all this in and wondering what the old Chairman would think if he could see this spectacle.


Yes indeed. Times have surely changed.

Edited by Mick (see edit history)
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Maybe I better remove them.

They are quite atrocious and could offend people.

My apologies.


huh??? :lol:


Ahh....I'll put 'em back.

I thought someone might take offense to them. It is not the best subject to talk about nevertheless, it happend and it's a part of China's history. And a part of my qizi's life that she remembers all too well.

So...Without further ado}




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