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I would declare it as "Chinese herbal medicine" or whatever is appropriate. If US authorities object to her bringing it in, which I think is not too likely, then they will probably let her just throw it away.


If she is bringing in pills without standard labels, bottles of liquid that are not sealed and have no English lables, etc., then the probability of an issue may be higher.


I hope these are items that she buys herself in China so no "friend" is giving her something that could be illegal.


Bottom line is declare it and I don't think there will be any serious trouble.

Edited by jim_julian (see edit history)
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Shouldn't be a problem as long as they are commercially packaged and sealed. Don't worry about declaring these they go as miscellaneous. The worst that will happen is she won't be able to bring them through. Few bags are searched. If they are not in commercially labeled and sealed packages they will be taken under agricultural prohibition if seen. Also commercially packaged may be seized if it is on a restricted list for FDA or contains narcotics.


Don't worry Chinese bring lots of this in their bags and most gets through. It is not a big issue.


I was once stopped at Honolulu POE coming from Japan. A friend's Mother asked me to bring her son pickled and dried seaweed she had made. Customs thought it was "weed". The Officer took a pinch and chewed it. He then made a terrible face and yelled This IS SEAWEED!!! Pack up and get out of here. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :P I think he was trying to perk up his day :drunk: :lol:

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I found out this stuff is definitely not some Chinese herbal remedy. I wouldn't worry about that.


What it is, is some prescription blood pressure medication and what is basically Flonase without the brand name. I don't like it. She is dissapointed because she already told the man she would do it. I say it's not worth the risk just soo they can save a few bucks.

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I believe the questions asked on the customs forms will probably not include what she is taking back, I think customs is looking for illegal stuff. I dont think it will be a problem. Controlled subtances, like narcs and coke, are the problem.


Also, if she 'forgot' to list it, and had nothing else to declare, then she would just hand in the customs form and be on her way.

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