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No more RLS's

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Congratulations RLS, I know the relief you are feeling.


If you don't know the woman whom you just asked to go through a year visa process enough, then it's time to do something to know her better.


Amen to that, David.


Dennis, what did you do to safeguard yourself? I recall reading your 'love story' and the credulity you appeared to be in... sorry...


No reason to be sorry. All's well that ends well. In the end, it was for the best.

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The other replies have offered some really good advice.


I don't know the details of you SO's situation... but my wife also does not have a computer in her home.  Although, if I would have known how long it was going to take to get her Visa I would have bought her one. 


Somehow I manage to talk to her everyday - but then again she has only been working part time since we got married.  So, now she is only working 20-30 hours a week as opposed to the 50-60 she was before.


We communicate with an Internet calling card that I purchased and renew online.  We also use Yahoo messenger.

The calling card is less than .03 cents per minute - thats talking 30 minutes per day for less than a dollar. 

Yahoo messenger is a free service... my wife goes to one of the many Internet cafes in her home town.  The price varies depending on the alottment of time you purchase - the more time you buy the cheaper it is.  She pays about .12 cents per hour for the card she purchases.


Was the trip to visit you SO your first trip in China?  Would it be possible for you to go and live there for an extended period of time - 3 or 4 months for instance?  If you can I would strongly suggest it.  So you will have a better understanding of her culture and daily trials and tribulations.  The life of an average Chinese citizen can by very trying compared to us spoiled Americans.

From your signature it doesn't appear that you have even started the Visa process?  If not, you may have a long hard road ahead.  Be strong and patient.  You love her... everthing will be alright... it will just take a little perseverance.


Nice post Shaffja

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Wow!!!! Great News Ron!!!! Sorry I was not on line the past few days to personally extend words of encouragement to you two. But, I will add what I would of said to you earlier.


Where there is a WILL.....there is a WAY


......and now you see that you two always had the WILL. Thus, you two found the WAY.


Again Ron.........CONGRATULATIONS...... I think you have found out that your love for each other has grown even deeper for each other over this ordeal. :blink: :D

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