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How did she react going from big to small towns?

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It depends on the person, but I know my wife can't wait for us to move to a bigger city. I mean, our town's not that small (roughly 200,000 in the metro area), but to her it's a whole different lifestyle. She's in school, has a part time job, and in some ways has "gotten used to" things, but then again she knows that we'll be moving on in a couple years once she graduates.


What I'm interested in is how she'll like living in a City. The US city environment is so different from China. She likes Seattle, although hanging out there isn't the same as living there. Hated San Francisco... I guess her job will dictate the move more than anything, but we'll have to do some careful research.

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One thing I haven't seen mentioned in this thread is the difference in the level of physical activity in China and the urban US.


My 48 kg Lao Po is worried that she will get fat. She likes to walk and jog. I will encourage her to spend an hour or so every day in exercise. Since we are in Southern California the weather is almost always suitable for outdoor activity.

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I've already been considering that as well. Its cold here 5 months a year, so I am not sure how that will go over, since she is coming from GZ. I think we'll probably have to get some more exercise equipment for the house since she likes to exercise as well as be active. She knows I can do it, as she is still impressed at how much walking we did around Guangdong. I think she thought all us Americans were fat and lazy.

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I would if I could. She isn't too Web savvy. I gave her a laptop the last time I was over there, but she thinks it is a waste of money to get a DSL with only a few months (I told her few is optimistic) to go before the visa. I think the real reason is that she isn't comfortable with the computer, and doesnt have the time to spend on it - she'd rather spend it on English studies. Maybe when she gets here...

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I would if I could.  She isn't too Web savvy.  I gave her a laptop the last time I was over there, but she thinks it is a waste of money to get a DSL with only a few months (I told her few is optimistic) to go before the visa.  I think the real reason is that she isn't comfortable with the computer, and doesnt have the time to spend on it - she'd rather spend it on English studies.  Maybe when she gets here...


I was joking when I said that. I would not want to lure another lady into this helpless addiction.


She is smart spending her time in learning English rather than hanging round with you guys. :P


If she wants to have kids, you would not need to worry at all about she being bored. As soon as she is pregnant, introduce her to a pre-mom team.

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The only bart around here is a guy who works at the hardware store (j/k).


We talked at length about it today, and she is convinced it won't be a problem. Every point I made was deftly countered, and I was instructed not to worry about it. I do know that the "great wall package" from Direct TV is definitely in my future.


I told her that every business in town that isn't a bar is closed by 8pm, and she likes to eat dinner late... "I can buy food make dinner at home."


I told her that she likes to go out to disco and cinema, and neither of those things exists in my town (though you might see drunk people trying to linedance if you stay too long at one of the bars). "It is okay we can [rent a movie] or just watch tv. I have you if only two in [my town] then I ok because i have you. I often no like to go out hava fun, but my friend want me to go so i go and often tired. If no go out hava fun I happy."


What about when I have to travel for work? "I watch tv or go look at your work people friend" (I work PT for the city gov'mint)


I asked how her she'll like san gongli (which is the distance around my town perimeter - 3km) in the snow - "maybe geta exercise machine ok."


She's good... I do think I will budget for trips to various cities with significant Chinatowns, so we can see the sites, and also get a little slice of home if she gets homesick. Like when we went to 'western restaurants' when I went to see her. I miss China too, so it will be good for both of us.

Edited by mercator (see edit history)
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  • 2 months later...

Yeah I meant the dish package. Seems like a better deal for what she likes. She is way into movies, and the movie channel alone is a selling point beyond the CCTV offerings.


I personally enjoy CCTV9. Too bad they don't have GZ english too. Acutally that is a pretty quirky channel, but it is new and they'll figure it out soon enough.

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