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An interesting theory! Too bad Ireland doesn't have a seat on the Security Council. :(

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I understand the joke R2 and laughed at it myself, but it brought to mind an important point about America.


I am a seventh generation American. We were here before it was the country without a name. We take pride in being German heritage, but we are Americans. Eric takes pride in his French heritage, but he is just as much an American as our seven generations makes us. That is one of the great things about America. It has nothing to do with race, the binding element is really the Constitution and the responsibility to "preserve and protect" the concept of government that it represents.


My father and I both independently got hassled by the Census people because we refused to answer the questions about ethnicity in the 1990 census. We both put down American for ethnicity under the "Other" category. (We both happened to be among the unfortunate few that got the long census form) Neither of us knew ahead of time that the other was doing it. They tried everything from phone calls, to visits to the door;

"Hi, I'm from the government and I am here to help you fill out what you missed on your census form!"

"I didn't miss anything."

Still smiling, "May I come in?"


Puzzled look. "Why not?"

"I didn't invite you and I don't want to talk to you."

"Oh. Well, you forgot to choose your ethnicity."

"No I didn't, its nobody's business."


"Might come a time when it would be better if there where no records of ethnicity."

"Oh, nobody can ever see your personal data! Now, which would you say applies to you?"

"Tell that to the Jews."

"Say what?"

"Would have made things at least a bit harder for the Nazis if there hadn't been such good records of ethnicity."

Juggling papers; "Can I come in to set these down?"


"Everybody has to answer these questions."

"I'm not going to."

Sighing; "Your family name is Krout, is that right?"


"Would that mean you are German then?"

"I'm American."

"No, I mean your ethnicity!"

"I'm American."

"Well, what about your grandfather?"


"What about his grandfather?"


"Sigh... Are you sure I can't come in?"

"Real sure."

"Well, you can't choose American, that is not an available option."

"OK, native american."

"Your American Indian?"

"No. We were here when it was still the English Colonies. We are native born Americans."

"You don't understand."

"Oh, I understand, but I don't think you are catching on."

"What about your wife?"

"You don't want to go there again do you?"

"Look, you have to answer the question."

"I did, American."

Long sigh..."I am going to have to report this to my supervisor."


"Alright, I am going to help you fill out the form correctly. I am putting down German."

No answer.

"Aren't you going to comment?"

"Yeah, its nobody's business."

"I am putting down Welsh for your wife since her name is Welch. Any comment."

"Sounds stupid to me to make judgements based on names, but I can't stop you, I reckon."

Longer sigh......"Have a good day Mr. Krout."


BTW, my wife really was American Indian and I really don't think it is a good idea to keep government records of such.

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I think ethnic diversity is one of the things that makes America the great country that it is. But I agree Owen, no need to keep detailed records of such. I, for one, am proud of my heritage but it is my business who I share it with.

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I understand the joke R2 and laughed at it myself, but it brought to mind an important point about America.


I am a seventh generation American.  We were here before it was the country without a name.  We take pride in being German heritage, but we are Americans.  Eric takes pride in his French heritage, but he is just as much an American as our seven generations makes us.  That is one of the great things about America.  It has nothing to do with race, the binding element is really the Constitution and the responsibility to "preserve and protect" the concept of government that it represents.


My father and I both independently got hassled by the Census people because we refused to answer the questions about ethnicity in the 1990 census.  We both put down American for ethnicity under the "Other" category.  (We both happened to be among the unfortunate few that got the long census form)  Neither of us knew ahead of time that the other was doing it.  They tried everything from phone calls, to visits to the door;

"Hi, I'm from the government and I am here to help you fill out what you missed on your census form!" 

"I didn't miss anything."

Still smiling, "May I come in?"


Puzzled look.  "Why not?"

"I didn't invite you and I don't want to talk to you."

"Oh. Well, you forgot to choose your ethnicity."

"No I didn't, its nobody's business."


"Might come a time when it would be better if there where no records of ethnicity."

"Oh, nobody can ever see your personal data!  Now, which would you say applies to you?"

"Tell that to the Jews."

"Say what?"

"Would have made things at least a bit harder for the Nazis if there hadn't been such good records of ethnicity."

Juggling papers; "Can I come in to set these down?"


"Everybody has to answer these questions."

"I'm not going to."

Sighing; "Your family name is Krout, is that right?"


"Would that mean you are German then?"

"I'm American."

"No, I mean your ethnicity!"

"I'm American."

"Well, what about your grandfather?"


"What about his grandfather?"


"Sigh...  Are you sure I can't come in?"

"Real sure."

"Well, you can't choose American, that is not an available option."

"OK, native american."

"Your American Indian?"

"No.  We were here when it was still the English Colonies.  We are native born Americans."

"You don't understand."

"Oh, I understand, but I don't think you are catching on."

"What about your wife?"

"You don't want to go there again do you?"

"Look, you have to answer the question."

"I did, American."

Long sigh..."I am going to have to report this to my supervisor."


"Alright, I am going to help you fill out the form correctly.  I am putting down German."

No answer.

"Aren't you going to comment?"

"Yeah, its nobody's business."

"I am putting down Welsh for your wife since her name is Welch.  Any comment."

"Sounds stupid to me to make judgements based on names, but I can't stop you, I reckon."

Longer sigh......"Have a good day Mr. Krout."


BTW, my wife really was American Indian and I really don't think it is a good idea to keep government records of such.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :( :P I do the same thing!!!!!!! :o :o :o I thought it was the Irish in me that made me do it!!!! It must be the American in me!!!! :D :P :P

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Eric, time to start looking for a new job now.  I am sure Yuhiu, will not want you traveling all over the world now, leaving her home alone???


You can always send Yuhiu, to Boston, Lili & I will look after her for you!!!

I'll cut down on travel of course.. :-)

Actually, she's going with me to Germany late May and Shanghai in September ( for work )... We'll stop efff curse, in France to see Family before/after Germany

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First, Congrats!!!!


Second, your fiancee called yesterday and got an update? What time did she call?


I called GZ yesterday and they told me the computers were down. I want to know if GZ is screwing around with me.



no idea when she called GZ. Actually, the update was " no EMS yet ".. A few hours later however, one EMS was waiting for her in the mailbox.

So much for "updates" :blink:

Personnally, I never quite believe the "computer down" thing at -1225 DoS .

At least not all the times.

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Aloha Mick,

Since when did an Irish man need an excuse to drink? The Irish only drink on

week ends, thursday to wednesday.


Thanks Owen for what you wrote. It reminds me of a speach made by John Wayne.

He said that we are all Americans and a hyphenated American is not an American.

We have different bckgrounds and preferences but we are all just Americans. The

hyphens are tools for politico's to divide us. Bad politics uses wealth and ethnic

origin to create a class war for political gain.


Myles aka Annakuen'GG

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