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Proof of Communication on VHS(?!?)

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I am just curious if any consideration has been put into allowing a more up-to-date medium for the video proving abilite to communicate. With digital video cameras which link directly to computers and the universality of VCD formats and DVD (nonregional) discs that play on all computers wouldn't this be an easier way to record than VHS technology that isn't even compatible with chinese systems (which is where we will be to make these videos)


Also I would like to thank you for posting here. It is good to hear the thoughts of people from the other side of the glass partition.


Thank you for your time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear CFL Members,


We do also accept DVD's and VCD's. We mention this in the instructions given to applicants when additional information is requested.


Please keep in mind that if you are asked to provide a video of something, you will be given specific instructions at that time.




Immigrant Visa Unit, U.S. Consulate, Guangzhou, China

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