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AOS Interview Success

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We had our AOS interview in Atlanta yesterday. It started out a little shaky but everything worked out in the end.


I didn't anticipate tough questioning and I thought Yue's English was probablly good enough for casual stuff, but then we started down the list of questions about her personal relationship with Adolph Hitler and her possible illeagal gambling habits. Question 2 about political parties had her giving him the :( look. They wouldn't let us conference in her friend from home and I'm thinking we're screwed. But we finally managed to get through the list somehow. He was pretty helpfull in this regard, rephrasing the questions and such. I'm quessing terrorist plots and the Final Solution are not everyday topics of conversation for most of us, so if your darling is not fluent it might be worthwhile to brief these questions in advance.


For the other stuff, he wanted to see some evidence of "jointness", bank accounts, same address, etc. Other than that I think for the most part he was looking to see if the answers provided were consistent with the previously supplied paperwork. He didn't ask to see any pictures. I was disappointed. You know how guys love to show baby pictures to each other :lol: Of course Mom was holding baby (that was a big obstacle to the raise your right hand thing).


In the end he told her she needed to study English so she can become a Citizen. Smiling very big she says "I know, but before pregnant, baby"! But she has her temp passport stamp now and the GC should be here in a couple of weeks.

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