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We have turned 300 today

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The 300th member has today joined our small but powerful group. Welcome to all newbies, and thanks to PJ for his insight and work in making this forum a reality. We have had an effect on effecting change in our government. People are beginning to listen to us. It is great to be able to share our opinions, experiences, ideas with others of common interest: get our visas! We have voice and strength in numbers, and our number has reached 300. :D

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With increasing membership, what can we do again to improve the communication to GZ and Dos? It is very important that we need to get reliable information from GZ and Dos. I sent request to one of my senators but doubt that I will get useful information.(maybe some form letter, stating that they cannot help to expedite the case, I have to wait).


We need to do something collectively to move the clearance. Another Group letter. I did not have chance to sign in the previous letter.

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