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Resubmission may not be good option

Guest agl88

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Yes, and I don't know about the rest of you and your fiancees, but mine already knows of two ladies (Mudanjiang) that either they or their American fiancees have given up! Not that that speaks highly of their love, but still, it is a pathetic situation that two human beings who love each other cannot be together if they so choose! :( :( :(

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It is not good for us already in the waiting list. However, I would strongly recommend others in the future not take any chance to go through this terrible unending process. It is the worst thing you can imagine.

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agl88, I respectfully disagree! I love my fiancee so much that I would gladly go through this again if I have to. Of course I am angry, aggravated, sad, (feel free to add whatever emotions you wish), but as my fiancee constantly reminds me, "women meiyou fangfa" (we have no choice!) We both remind each other "wo bu neng meiyou ni" (I cannot not have you!) Keep the faith, and don't ever, ever give up!!!

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My fiancee has mentioned this as well, as it seems to work very well in her city. And I had to explain to her that isn't the way it works in America. OR IS IT? Do any of the ladies on board here know of anyone in Shanghai who can manufacture visas? I've heard that it can be done! :blink: :blink: :blink:


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Like I said before, the waiting game will definitely scare some people in the FUTURE who will go through the immigration process. That is just my opinion. I have to fight this, of course.

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To give up is to give up on a love that was not so real after all, but still it really is a sad situation and does not represent the U.S. well. :blink:

That last part rang a bell. One of my lady's standard comment is the US is no different than China. Why can't I just 'grease' a hand and get the damn visa issued?


I agree that for their first first taste of America, this is pathetic!

Yeah, I can definitely relate. My lady's family is just flabbergasted that I can't just go over to GZ, pay the right person, and pick up the visa. No amount of explaining works. It gives the family the impression that I don't have the "right connections". Fortunately, Li understands the process and I guess that's what really counts. But it makes America, and me, look bad in the eyes of the family sometimes. Especially when other people they know have already received visas. People who, by the way, applied long after we did. I can see why they feel the way they do.


Frustrating! :( :blink: :blink:

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That's exactly it! My fiancee's father, who already isn't thrilled that his only daughter wishes to go to America, has already insinuated that "if her American fiancee really loved her, he would have already paid the necessary amount of money to acquire the visa!" And yes, my fiancee understands as well, but there is still a lot of her family and friends who think that our system is no different than theirs. Even though it is unfortunate and I myself could never do so, I do understand the emotional rollercoaster that leads some couples to give up during this process. But it is so very sad. :blink: :blink: :blink:

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