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Resubmission may not be good option

Guest agl88

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I asked CA (not information line) today if resubmission is needed after 90 days. The answer is no and I just wait for my turn. I think that maybe GZ makes decision when to resubmit the case. Since recently GZ does not reply the email inquiry, we can not ask GZ to resubmit the case. I feel hopeless.


Also, it seems that CA is not willing to look for the case when the waiting period is within 90 days. I am wondering what is good reason that CA is involved in case inquiry. waiting 6 months, maybe.


Anyway, I will keep calling DoS information line once every week and occasionally calling CA. I think that only way we can do is to keep calling, calling to bring the attention, although every call may not give us the right answer.


And I think keep calling 202-647-7948 is good idea. People picking up this number are higher than 1225 information line. We don't need to hold one hour to talk with the real persons. However, if we call 1225, they will not experiance the high volume call since we are hold or be disconnected. I hope that everyone keeps calling CA 202-647-7948 to bring the attention.

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"I think that maybe GZ makes decision when to resubmit the case. Since recently GZ does not reply the email inquiry, we can not ask GZ to resubmit the case. I feel hopeless."


When I was in Shanghai, I called GZ and asked them to resubmit the case, and they informed me that they could not resubmit unless the clearing agencies asked for it. I immediately called AS in CA and asked him to request it, and he has done so. However, now the problem is that when I spoke with GZ yesterday, their computer shows it as being resubmitted, however, AS informed me today that GZ had yet to transmit (cable?) it and he would call his "colleague" in GZ and find out what the h... happened. If the case is older than 90 days, I believe that if you call CA and specifically request them to ask GZ to resubmit the case, they will do so. Ask nicely with a little bit of complaining! It worked for me! And don't give up the hope! I'm sure most of us have felt hopeless and ineffective at times during this fiasco. Keep the fires burning!


carhil24 :( :( :(

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Thank you for your encouragement.


Actually I talk to AS also. This is the first time I talked to him. He metioned that in some case, resubmission will do little good for the clearance. I did not ask in which case. I am thinking that name check request is still valid after 90 days. you never know exactly.


By the way, when was your case first submitted?





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. . . I will keep calling DoS information line once every week and occasionally calling CA. I think that only way we can do is to keep calling, calling to bring the attention, although every call may not give us the right answer.

Yes, I think we all should call DOS and CA once per weeek, even while we are "waiting for promised good news"; not so much to get actual information, but to keep them aware and pressured. Think of each phone call as a "vote." :angry:

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. . . I will keep calling DoS information line once every week and occasionally calling CA. I think that only way we can do is to keep calling, calling to bring the attention, although every call may not give us the right answer.

Yes, I think we all should call DOS and CA once per weeek, even while we are "waiting for promised good news"; not so much to get actual information, but to keep them aware and pressured. Think of each phone call as a "vote." :angry:

Good point and good suggestion AZ!!!!!

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NOA1: 5/13/02

NOA2: 7/31/02

P3 RCVD: 9/16/02

P3 RTRN: 9/23/02






I concur. AS is well aware of this website, and today he informed me that this is not even his normal job! Quote, "I don't even know when I will be able to get back to my normal duties." Quite possibly we are winning this war by tiring all of these people out! Or they just aren't used to having to actually work for a living!

:angry: :angry: :angry: :D ;) ;)

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AS is well aware of this website, and today he informed me that this is not even his normal job!  Quote, "I don't even know when I will be able to get back to my normal duties."  Quite possibly we are winning this war by tiring all of these people out!  Or they just aren't used to having to actually work for a living!  

:angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :D  ;)  ;)

Apparently this is not his normal job. As I remember, in response to a group letter to M. H. a couple months ago, M.H. did assign A.S. to look into the visa delay problem and fix it.


Yes, we will win this war. I think it was Angry Texan who pointed out a few days ago that it is always the "squeaky wheel" that gets the grease. We need to stay real squeaky. It is the American way. Let's all show our sweeties that this U.S. system really does work.

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. . .she let out a long, long sigh.  I had to force myself not to start laughing!   :D  :D  :D

I love it!!! :lol:

Me too!!!


After all the sighing all of us have done, and continue to do, they should be sighing. :(

sighing and crying......don't forget crying. I want them to cry with us, feel our pain. :D :D :D :D :(

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. . .she let out a long, long sigh.  I had to force myself not to start laughing!   :D  :D  :D

I love it!!! :(

Me too!!!


After all the sighing all of us have done, and continue to do, they should be sighing. :(

sighing and crying......don't forget crying. I want them to cry with us, feel our pain. :D :D :D :lol: :D

Crying too Wolfman!!! Maybe we need a smilie with tears. :D :D

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Yes, I talk to my fiancee usually 2-3 times a day, and since her English is very limited, it has been very difficult to assure her in my Chinese-English dialect that our country still has an open invitation for fiancees and wives/husbands to join their loved ones in America. I have to constantly assure her that the majority of Americans have no problems with her coming! So let the people at DOS/GZ/CA sigh all they want, they still get to go home to their loved ones every evening! :( :( :(

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