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Name Change on for SSA

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We shipped off the AOS, EAD and AP paperwork on Saturday and this morning I remembered we had not submitted for a name change on Mins SSN or State ID and we had submitted the name change on the AOS paperwork. Figured it would be just our luck to have USCIS get funny about having a Social Security number in her maiden name.


So off we go with papers in hand, the lady at SSA examined our marriage certificate, state id, birth certificate, passport, visa and I-94 and proceeded to inform us that we didnt have anything from immigration showing the name change was valid. I asked her how I would provide that information for her and she told me I had to go to the immigration office to do this.


I explained that the name change was performed on the I-485 Adjustment of Status form that had recently been sent to the USCIS Lock box in Chicago and this dear lady informed me that when they finished processing the forms we could come back for a name change. She was shocked when I busted out laughing, and told her that could be up to 2 years and we might need to conduct business in her married name before that might happen. tongue.gif


She stood firm on this, so I asked if it was possible to speak with a supervisor. I then had to somewhat restrain my lovely wife when this lady grabbed up our paperwork in her fist, crumpling the Social Security Card, Passport, birth certificate and Certified Marriage Certificate and wandered off. She returned about 5 minutes later and punched a few things up in the computer and walked away with our paperwork in her fist again.


She returned a few minutes later with the supervisor who explained to me that it was not legal to change a name for a visa holder without USCIS permission. I asked her if she understood what a K-1 visa represented. She was not aware that this was a fiance visa and I asked her if she understood that the USCIS expected us to be married within 90 days of entry to the US and it might be consider appropriate to change her name when married and that possibly the USCIS was quite used to this occurrence. I also explained that I was aware that a large number of SSA offices indeed had absolutely no problem with this.


She held firm and I then asked if I should have medical bills submitted to her attention as our insurance was in her married name and also if she would personally be willing to guarantee my wife could write checks on our joint checking account as her ID showed her maiden name, or perhaps she could come by this office and they would cash them for her. I was really starting to have too much fun as she was obviously uncomfortable by now.


She then stated it was USCIS policy that had been given to the SSA and I did the unforgivable, I asked if she would mind printing up this directive or memo for me for my files. laugh.gif


The two ladies disappeared for about 5 minutes and the clerk returned and started punching things into the computer. She told me that she was changing my wifes name in the computer and it would only generate a letter telling us we could not have a name change, but when it printed out it was the standard letter stating she would receive her card in 2 weeks, so she tried again and got the same letter. tongue.gif


She also photocopied every piece of evidence we had and stapled the application and social security card together. I asked why they were keeping the old card and she said they needed it for their files. Again I asked the unforgivable and requested she provide us something showing she indeed had a SSN so we would have proof of the number when asked. She then printed out a form showing the number.


Total time spent 35 minutes

Cost $0.00

Look on the clerks face when the standard letter printed out of the system twice, priceless.

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I think if your IQ is larger than your waist size, you are ineligable to work for the SSA!!!!!


I would have loved to see the look on her face when her own computer told her she was wrong!!!!! :lol:    TWICE!!!!!  :lol:  :lol:


With this lady her IQ could have easily been in the Mensa category and still not exceeded her waist size. :lol:

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