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Top10: Reasons to stay strong...

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10/ State department sure as hell won't give you the incentive.


9/ True love is eternal. What's a few more weeks/ months?


8/ She won't let you get weak and mushy :lol:


7/ We've put up with so much crap already.


6/ They're getting their act together ( OK... I was trying to be facetious here :D .. )


5/ Look at it this way..... TIGHTER hugs at the airport !


4/ Better this than doing drugs my friend.


3/ Visas kinda look like the Halley comet.... periodical...but predictable (2062 ) :-)


2/ You don't have a choice


1/ Two words... Worth it !



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As one of the very lucky few to have my fiance now with me in the US, #1 is ABSOLUTELY corect.  It was worth the wait.  Although now I can understand much better why certain people go postal at times.  I Know I certainly did at time and I only waited about one year.

How is Lili adjusting, Bob? Does she like it in Boston? :D

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oh yah...    number 1:  she IS worth it.


and            number 5:  friday i got permission from DIA - if everything falls into place - we will be married in the airport - the moment she steps off the plane.


(just couldn't keep it to myself)

An early congradution to you!


I am looking forward to my trip to China next month and totally agree with #5. Let's hope there is no war!

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