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Is this it??

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I received a call at 4a.m. today  from my fiancee. A woman from the consulate called and asked she bring her and her daughters passports to the consulate tomorrow morning. The woman did not ask her to bring evidence, just the passports. Just a couple of days ago i posted I wasn't sure if they would give a one day or one month notice...my feelings seem to have been warranted. I have a pretty good feeling they will issue the visa tomorrow, but I'll hold my breath till I get official news.


My SO got her single person certif, divorce certif, and non criminal certif updated and translated just yesterday!!! ...from what I understand the GZ consulate is not interested inm all this stuff..just the passports. I hope we're on the verge of news we want to hear after two years of  GZ hell.


I'll keep you posted !


Sorry so late in replying, Alex. Always wishing you and your gal the best. I hope it is, this time! Y'all have been through enough!!!

:unsure: :candle:

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