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Inquiry the CA's phone NO.

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Guest Wang Jue

Can anyone also tell me whom or whcih representive Dep can be talked to by calling CA? Because when I dial the No: 202-647-7948 (CA), the info group person just transfered my phone to the DOS group who always lying to me. So which phone exactly should I dial? I even never got my resubmit date over the phone, DOS person cheating me all the time.


Thanks in advance


Wang Jue

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Guest Snowbeast

You must be fairly persistent. Explain your problem. It's probably not good to tell them that the DOS info line officer is "lying" to you. Explain your legitimate concern and your inability to get satisfactory answers. Keep trying. Keep calling.

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Yes, DO briefly explain your problem.  If you get a recording, leave a message with your phone number.  Don't just say, "I am calling to check on my case status."  :lol:

say... I can't get Dos on the phone... I need to ask a question....Then leave a phone number..

Or better yet,, call several times until you get transfered to a live CA officer..


btw, that 1225 line is a real joke now,, Worst than it was in December... I also learned that the all so popular "Greg" is no longer there and was transfered to "correpondance" it seems

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