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Requirements for schools in US

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Are there any special documents of courses taken or other paperwork from Chinese schools that schools in the US need to determine what grade a child should enter school here?


I will have a 14 yr old daughter going into HS here, so I want to understand what the schools will need well ahead of the time my SO and daughter will come here, so we can get any documents needed from China while they are there.


Thanks much in advance for any info you folks can provide!

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Just enrolled my stepdaughter in school last month. Had her vaccination record and grades from school in China.

Don't recommend having your child drop any grades. My step daughter is probably at least a year ahead of US children


No doubt she is ahead academically Paul. However, when considering grade placement one needs consider social adjustments also. Generally speaking it is boys that benefit most from a lower grade placement but in some cases the less physically and socially mature females will also benefit.

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My inquiries here in Virginia showed that they will test her to determine placement, and definitely it will with ESL unless she is proficient in English already. She will need her last school year record (translated) and immunization record.

good luck

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In Georgia, my step son needed his county vaccination forms completed. His English proficiency determined where his was placed in high school. Since his English was nil, he started out in what is called ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) where the emphasis was on English proficiency but also included math, science, and a few other core subjects.

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I enrolled Hui in the 7th grade when they first arrived. I didn't have to show any kind of proof.

They put her in school and gave a sheet that had to be checked off by a physician and turned back in to the school within 60 days.

We took care of that; she had her shot record from China. My wife and I translated it to the doctor. She received the 2nd MMR.

The next year, the school sent us a letter saying she needed the Hep B shots.

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Thanks much for your replies guys!! After thinking more about this and seeing your replies, I am planning to stop by the school where I think she will go (as a freshman) and talk to the principal to see if there are any other AZ unique reqmts. Depending on what grade they place her, it could be different schools (if lower grade placement), so that will be interesting. I have a next door neighbor with a 13 yr old daughter (14 when my daughter gets here ... same age) so it would be nice if they were able to go to the same school, since I know that would help Ming alot, not being familiar with school here or anything else. Ming knows some English, but I don't know how to guage that as far her being able to go to school and fully understanding what is being said.... doubtful she is that fluent, but is working hard on it now, knowing she will be coming here next year. It will be interesting to see if they have the special language oriented ESOL courses that you mentioned Frank. With the close proximity to Mexico, it won't surprise me if they do offer such courses here.


Thanks again Trigg and Frank!!

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Thanks for all your posts!! Looks like it really does vary by state. I'm surprised at your comment Trigg about us having so much say in what grade she will go in.... not what I expected! I'm happy to see that many of these kids transition well and excell in their classes here. That's what I'm hoping will happen with Ming as well.


Thanks again for all the great info about your experiences!!

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I think you will find that the schools will accommodate you as far as grade placement and placement in ESL. School systems get federal monies for ESL and ADA (Average daily attendance) money from the state. Depending when she gets here and here birth date should determine what grade placement YOU want for her. My stepdaughter was 14 getting ready to soon turn fifteen when she came to the US. She is physically less mature than the typical American girl her age and arrived in March. It was my choice as to grade placement. I had her finish the school year in the eight grade to acclimate herself to American schools-that late int he year she would probably not have earned any HS credits anyway. She is now a sophomore and is Beta club and straight A honor roll--also in the hunt for valedictorian. she spent last year in ESL but no longer goes this year as she is in regular English class and excelling. You Will be amazed how much effort a Chinese girl will put into school---


I worked in education as a School psychologist and Central office administrator. Believe me when I tell you that schools will listen to what you have to say--they hate any kind of friction or controversy!

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