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My SO Needs A Computer

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I am determined to keep my computer clean, to stay away from un-authorized softwares.  I would rather pay more or use less functions in order to maintain the stability of my system.


That's good in theory, but I don't think Windows (and I do mean fully licensed copies with all the service packs, upgrades and security patches) and stability can be used together in the same sentence!!!


Between service pack one and service pack two, there have been several dozen security issues with Win XP. If they designed Windows right the first time and didn't use the general public to be Microsoft's guinea pigs, then millions of people and thousands of companies wouldn't have had their computers and systems compromised by their officially licensed and authorized versions of Windows.


Just my 2 yuan.

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Its been our experiance here in Nanning that if you have purchased a New, fully lisenced computer, weather it be from DELL, HP, or who ever there are at least 3 major things to consider:


1) Most Newer computers now have there power watages & amps listed on their power suppies and most will excetp the 50mhz 110 - 220V. But what they do not tell you is that most of those power supplies will only stand up to the abusive voltage that china has for about 6 months, maybe shorter before they just burn out. Depending upon which make & model, a replacement power supply can rages from $30 to as much as $150+


2) If you order a computer from such palces as Del, HP etc, Do so from their 1-800 #'s. There you can specify the default language of the OS to them and that is how you will recieve it. Already configured & with the Software you specify.


3) If you buy a computer from the US with the Latest Wix XP with SP2 & all of the recent updates, and then try doing an upgrade with a pirated chinese ver, you can not only expect to have a series of issues with the machine, but you will also Void any warantee that cam with it. Even if you use the Computers Restore Disks, the Computer reservs a small ammount of space in it's HD that records everytime the Restore Disks are used. This space is un-formatable (unless a low level format is done) and is meant to be that way so that tech-support can have an actual record of just what might be the issues that is giving you problems. If they see that you had installed ANY unlicened or Pirated software on the machine, they consider the warenty null and void :bangin:


Just a few things to consider before you make that purchase ;)

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I bought a Toshiba laptop in the US before I went and had no problems with it while i was in China. Sadly, while I was there, I spilled a cup of coffee on it. That caused "issues". Then I bought a new Toshiba laptop in China. It was much more expensive than it would have been in the US...


I would also recommend getting a Toshiba or IBM (I prefer Toshiba). There are toshiba service centers everywhere. My wife recently got my first Toshiba fixed at one of the places. I had the English version of XP installed on it. She paid about 300 RMB for them to install the Chinese version.


So, my suggestion is to get a Toshiba (or IBM) and take it to a service center and have them install XP. Then you don't have to worry about voiding the warrenty...


but like most have said, computers and electronics in general aren't any cheaper in China. If you find something cheaper, it's either fake, or really low quality. You might be able to get some good deals in Hong Kong, or Bangkok, but again, it might also be fake.

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This topic has covered laptop prices and concluded that they are higher in China. Now I'm a Mac guy and don't buy PCs but it appears to me that desktop machines of local manufacture are at or below the US price for a similar machine. Can't comment on the relative quality. I woulkd observe that Chinese factories can make very high quality products ... my Mac laptop was built in Shanghi.

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