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When our cases are cleared, CA knows before the DOS info line and obviously before CA sends it to GZ.  From my conversation with CA on Tuesday, I got the impression that all the "blackhole" cases were now in GZ.  So now we just need GZ to work through our cases.  The way I see it, we are probably no longer waiting on DOJ to clear us; we are now waiting on GZ.  In other words, we are back where we were when we sent in packet 3, but with clearances.


If GZ really is working solely on our visas for the next two weeks as Mr. Adams said at the meeting, we should be seeing the flood of visas issuing forth from GZ very soon.

Now what have I been saying all along?

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Guest Snowbeast

Our interview date was in December, but I really think the inte4rview date is immaterial at this point. Our name check was supposedly first submitted in August, although I can't confirm an actually date. Our clearance was cabled to GZ on 2/4 if what I have been told is correct.


I spoke to someone at GZ who told me they would send me an e-mail. I don't yet have any e-mail.


They should have started sending out EMS letters on 2/10. If they are really working on clearing the back log they would have started on the first day back. Although some people worked on 2/6-7, I'm thinking nothing was probably done at that time. But wouldn't it be logical to assume that they should have sent some on 2/10? If so, that would mean some people should be receiving them as early as today or tomorrow, or at the latest on Monday. I wonder if it will happen.


One thing is certain: If next Friday, 2/21 rolls around and nobody has any EMS from this forum it will be time to start protesting loudly. I know I plan to do so.

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Tine is right.  I faxed GZ Sunday night (U.S.), asking when we might expect EMS.  No response.  Just sent the same fax again a few minutes ago.

I think they won't answer until you actually get the EMS :-)

But then, you won't care... Objective has been met right?..

If Owen report is right,, 12000 emails a week is a lot.. then again, it's not our fault... Fix the damn backlog, and emails would drop to a manageable level..

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I am glad to see that many of us are still pursuing GZ for information. I have sent two faxes already this week. We've been lulled into complacency before, and all that bought for us was another 2-4 weeks (or more) of heartache, frustration, and disappointment. One of the messages from Adams' meeting with Owen and Mick that really stands out in my mind is that the fiancee visas went to the front ONLY after DOS told GZ to give them priority. And DOS told GZ to give them priority ONLY after we complained as loudly and as persistently as we did. I see no reason to change that approach now. The info e-mail address at GZ is useless, and a complete waste of time - Adams confirmed that with his comments to Mick and Owen. Fax them (GZ), call them - whatever you prefer. Just don't get complacent. We've come too far, and been treated much too poorly to let another two weeks or so pass us by now without letting them know that we are still not satisfied, and that we expect prompt and immediate action - and we're not going away until we get it.

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. . . the fiancee visas went to the front ONLY after DOS told GZ to give them priority.  And DOS told GZ to give them priority ONLY after we complained as loudly and as persistently as we did.

Right on, Tex! That statement is very important. I know we have quite a few new members, so everyone read that and read it again. Then act. We must keep up the pressure until we see this thing fixed.

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I am glad to see that many of us are still pursuing GZ for information. I have sent two faxes already this week. We've been lulled into complacency before, and all that bought for us was another 2-4 weeks (or more) of heartache, frustration, and disappointment.  One of the messages from Adams' meeting with Owen and Mick that really stands out in my mind is that the fiancee visas went to the front ONLY after DOS told GZ to give them priority.  And DOS told GZ to give them priority ONLY after we complained as loudly and as persistently as we did.  I see no reason to change that approach now.  The info e-mail address at GZ is useless, and a complete waste of time - Adams confirmed that with his comments to Mick and Owen.  Fax them (GZ), call them - whatever you prefer.  Just don't get complacent.  We've come too far, and been treated much too poorly to let another two weeks or so pass us by now without letting them know that we are still not satisfied, and that we expect prompt and immediate action - and we're not going away until we get it.

Good advice Texan. Don't get complacent for a minute! GZ, according to Mr. Adams, has geared up to start processing these visas. But we all know from past experience that being "geared up" does not mean the same thing to them as it does to us. Got to keep the pressure on. Fax, phone, even e-mail, although the latter only generates boilerplate sort of responses.


Two more points I want to make, one potentially negative, the other positive. I keep mentioning in other threads, and I will do it here as well, that just because CA says the case is "in GZ" does not necessarily mean it has cleared, unless CA told you it had cleared. Again, there is one column on the screen that contains various codes. The code NR (No Record) means cleared. So I would suggest if anyone is talking to CA/DOS they ask what code appears in the column. Possible codes that I recall are NR, DD, H, E, and there were a couple more. Repeat, NR means cleared. DD means duplicate, E means error, and no one, even Adams, knows what H means.


The positive point is this. When we were at the Consulate on the 10th I did see and EMS truck near the back of the Consulate grounds. I hope that is a good sign.


Someone also mentioned earlier that they should be sending them out soon. Yes, I hope this is true. Staff started work really on the 10th although a few were there on the 6th and 7th. I really hope that news about all Black Hole cases now being in GZ is true. I also hope they are marked "cleared". :lol:

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