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God, I get those G7 stuff regularly now.. What do you kids think??

Genuine interest or plain commercial plight??

I've always thanked G7 in late 2002 for the voice they granted GZ "desperate bunch" on their site,,,But it seems like lately G7 is going on a overdrive campaign



At 8:15 eastern 2/12 we were contacted by a well known News Reporter.

The reporter has interest in the story and has already started working

on it.


A comment that was made by the Reporter was: In reviewing the message

boards are these Delayed people passive about the situation or are they

still trying to get a resolution?


My comment was they are still actively pursuing the issue at full



We need ALL of you to go to the website and start posting messages. Ask

question share information BE VISIBLE!!!!! Show you have interest and

motivate the media!



Tomorrow we will be asking some of you to participate in this

interview. More information will be made available as it known.





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Seems that they are losing posters to keep up the revenue for the advertisers. These are the same folks that block out the word, Candles, on their board. Don't think they are much interested in helping anyone but themselves, I am sad to say. :blink: :unsure:

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Seems that they are losing posters to keep up the revenue for the advertisers. These are the same folks that block out the word, Candles, on their board. Don't think they are much interested in helping anyone but themselves, I am sad to say. :blink:  :unsure:

yep.. Sounds kinda the same to me frankly...

Question is though... Would they pay me MORE for my TOP10's than CDL is??



My current CDL Top10 revenues: Zilch, as in Nada, Nothing, Rien, Nichts ! LOL


That's OK... I'm independently wealthy.. I enjoy humoring friends here :-)

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G7 blocks the mention of the word candle and also blocks mention of Yahoo, but in his recent message wanting people to follow his suggestions he mentioned Yahoo but it was not blocked out in his own space he was using as opposed to the message boards. The whole atmosphere at his site is no good any more and it was sick to begin with. Just look at the home page where he has a building with CCCP on it. Is Clark himself the last Soviet? He is such an idiot to have driven away so many people. I posted a suggestion for people there to visit other boards as well and he deleted it. If he would wake up to the fact that fascism dos not work then his site might not be dying.

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Not sure why all the hate for G7. Seems to me he offered to help and add GZ problems to his site. A good thing when there were few other sources for us "Black holers" think back a few months. True he has a business and follows an agenda that he deems prudent for his business but last I checked this was still USA and we are still allowed to pursue that even if it is getting tougher to be sure about that part.


Bottom line is what does it hurt? Can't say anything tried here has proved a smashing succes so the key has not been found. Just a lot of people trying to find a way to get there lifes started. The more press, notice, information shared can only help.

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Bottom line is what does it hurt?  . . . .  The more press, notice, information shared can only help.

Definitely a plain commercial plight!!!


What does it hurt??? The strength is in our numbers, and our numbers are here on Candle. Take the same effort you were planning on putting forth on the G7 website (with its sparse postings and numerous annoying popups, slow-loading pages, scant membership, heavy commercializatiion, and heavy censorship) and put this effort here where your many friends are on this easy-to-use fast-loading interface. Post your comments without censorship.


Yes we have made progress in getting noticed by the media and by those who are delaying our visas (or haven't you read yet the post on Mick and Owen's meeting with Richard Adams?). R. Adams himself said that the reason we have moved up in priority is because we are the group who is complaining the loudest and most consistently. You will notice if you check the stats, that Candle is gaining new members each day and should break 300 by the end of this month (at current rate of newbies).


I don't think we "hate" G7; it just does not serve as well our purpose. Bottom line: if you have this energy and desire (and I hope you do), use it here where there are many more relevant posts for the media to read.

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Bottom line is what does it hurt?  . . . .  The more press, notice, information shared can only help.

Definitely a plain commercial plight!!!


What does it hurt??? The strength is in our numbers, and our numbers are here on Candle. Take the same effort you were planning on putting forth on the G7 website (with its sparse postings and numerous annoying popups, slow-loading pages, scant membership, heavy commercializatiion, and heavy censorship) and put this effort here where your many friends are on this easy-to-use fast-loading interface. Post your comments without censorship.


Yes we have made progress in getting noticed by the media and by those who are delaying our visas (or haven't you read yet the post on Mick and Owen's meeting with Richard Adams?). R. Adams himself said that the reason we have moved up in priority is because we are the group who is complaining the loudest and most consistently. You will notice if you check the stats, that Candle is gaining new members each day and should break 300 by the end of this month (at current rate of newbies).


I don't think we "hate" G7; it just does not serve as well our purpose. Bottom line: if you have this energy and desire (and I hope you do), use it here where there are many more relevant posts for the media to read.

Took the words right out of my mouth! That "free speech" crap in relation to G7 is bull - nope, won't cut it with me.


Advertisings and "hits" pay his site bandwidth, plain and simple.

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If G7 would cease with his censorship of mention of other sites then I and many of us here would be able to use it again to help pump up his numbers but he has marginalized himself and his site with his un-American attitude. I do hate him for that, as he deserves. It is frustrating to me that THERE ARE PEOPLE THERE ON G7 WHO DO NOT KNOW ABOUT CANDLE and we don't have a way to contact them and bring them in. I would like to see us here on Candle figure out a way to get the word out to them.

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Actually, what I was hoping everyone could do is help by linking to Candle (if you have a homepage), submitting it to search engines, and recommending the site to newcomers on groups such as AAC, CUC, and Google Newsgroups. This would definitely help the search engine placement, so others might be able to find the site.


I hope that all members might assist with this when they have a free moment or two. I know that I could not personally undertake this whole project myself, because as you know, this is a non-commercial site, and these days all my waking hours goes toward my job ... surviving a difficult economic time and making ends meet. However, if each member would consider spending a few moments of his/her time to help publicize this site, that would definitely go a long way in helping others find Candle.





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