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Success in Guangzhou

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We got into GZ last Sunday and Amy had her interview the next day (26th). I waited for her for two hours as she went through the interview process. She came out with the red slip (red now instead of white) and reported that she had passed with flying colors...much easier than we had expected. She even didn't have to show the big briefcase full of paperwork and evidence we had compiled, just her passport. The VO greeted her with a smile and friendly "Hello!" which immediately set her at ease (she was very nervous) and even checked to see how she was feeling half way through. He only asked her a few questions and that was it...very simple. Amy had passed and was granted the visa.


As some of you may have learned from my previous posts, Amy was diagnosed with cervical cancer back in July and I had agonized about her chances for the visa in light of her recent health condition. She decided to be upfront at her medical exam and informed the doctor of her illness. She was more worried than me that the cancer would be grounds for refusal, but at her interview the subject wasn't even raised.


This morning we went to the post office and picked up the visa. Now that she has the visa in her hot little hands, Amy will pack her things and bid farewell to her friends and family. We'll be landing in L.A. Oct. 3.


I don't know why Amy's interview went so easily while some others are having a hard time. Just keep at it and don't give up. I suppose they had reviewed my petition thoroughly prior to the interview and already arrived at a decision. The rest was just formality, I guess. If you got blue slipped then it means your work is not over yet. Your chances are still good, but the powers-that-be must be appeased with more paperwork.


Nevertheless, we are happy that Amy is coming home with me to the US where she will get better care and treatment for her illness than at home in Baoding.


Thanks for all your support and words of advice. This site was able to answer a lot of questions during the process and to that Amy and I want to thank all of you. Good luck to all of you still in the visa waiting game. Your patience and perseverance will pay off some day. Don't even think about giving up.


Glenn and Amy

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Thanks for sharing your story, Glenn. I am both happy and sad.

It's good that the visa process went well. 10 months is about the norm for GZ.

I'm so sorry for Amy's condition, though. My thoughts and prayers to you both. I hope it can be treated without too much suffering and her health fully restored.


Thanks again for your story. Keep us posted!

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