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Dont get sick in China!!!!

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Lee go to your local store. No time left for online orders even if you pay the premium for overnight delivery.


When I travel I take my aromatherapy oils with me. I did get sick on one trip. By making fennel "tea" three times a day using the fennel oil It didn't interfere with the trip as cramps and the rest were greatly reduced and in 4 days it cleared up.


Lavendar Oil is good for cuts, scrapes, infection and bites.


Wintergreen reduces and clears up allergic reactions.

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Lee go to your local store. No time left for online orders even if you pay the premium for overnight delivery.


When I travel I take my aromatherapy oils with me. I did get sick on one trip. By making fennel "tea" three times a day using the fennel oil It didn't interfere with the trip as cramps and the rest were greatly reduced and in 4 days it cleared up.


Lavendar Oil is good for cuts, scrapes, infection and bites.


Wintergreen reduces and clears up allergic reactions.


All great remedies, but as a member of the titanium knee club I travel with a fresh supply of Cipro whenever I leave the country. Just having the bottle with me scares away most any bug that would consider bothering me. :lol: :P

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I had mixed experiences with the medical care in China, but most of it was not so good. Nothing, however, compares with what a freind of mine went through.


Fred, a teacher who lived across the hall from me, began experiencing severe abdominal pain over the weekend. By Monday, he could barely stand. He was rushed to the hospital and several doctors looked at him. The senior doctor stated that he had a ruptured appendix and needed immediate surgery.


So, they went in.


Problem is, once they got in there, they found out that his appendix was fine. So, rather than closing him up, they slit him all the way up to his liver and gall bladder. The senior doctor then decided that there was a problem with his bile duct and he did some work on it and closed Fred back up. He continued to have pain, compounded by the pain of the surgery. He remained in the hospital for six weeks, the came back to his apartment.


His condition continued to worsen and he went back to his home in Canada. The doctors there had to operate, taking out his gall bladder which was filled with stones.


He later returned to China and discussed all this with the doctors who had butchered him, but they would not admit they had made a mistake. Later, one of the younger doctors told Fred that from the get-go he had suggested that the problem was with the gall bladder, but he was over-ruled by the senior doctor, who insisted the problem was with the appendix.


The younger doctor said he never challenged the senior doctor because he didn't want him to lose face. Hmmmm....


Fred suffered a great deal, had two operations and missed five months of work. But at least the senior doctor saved face.


Medical care in China, with the exception of certain practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine, scares the crap out of me. This is but one story. I could tell you many more.

Edited by Mick (see edit history)
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Mick: Yesterday, 09:59 AM


Medical care in China, with the exception of certain practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine, scares the crap out of me.


Mick - the "horror" story you tell is indeed sobering. Sorry to hear what your friend went through. I have an anecdote to add but not nearly as dramatic. I suppose many here know the "dental office" experience in China. I can't speak for the very large cities, but brought my fiancee to a highly regarded dental place in Guilin for teeth cleaning. The "barber shop" line-up of chairs, patients, completely open/visible to folks in the waiting area, some of whom were coughing, was an unexpected surprise. I decided to wait outdoors. Well - since the "line-up" was on the ground floor, I was able see through the street window all that was going on, and patients and doctors were able to see me as well. I walked away - didn't want to "distract" anyone ! Vincent

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