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question of timing of submittal of paperwork

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I met my SO two months ago while studying here. I am a USC who teaches Chinese in the states. We have become serious...sometimes you just know--hopefully a feeling well understood here. I would like to hear opinions about submission of our application--we have agreed to marry. my brief timeline follows:

7/02/05 introduced, start language exchange in beijing

7/29/05 we say good-bye as she heads home to the

South. text-messages and letters ensue, one small fight.

8/21/05 realize i cannot live without her--I fly down. she was

hoping i would.

8/25/05 much rejoicing and we just know we want to marry.

Scarily happily that quick. First pictures. travel to come.


Future plans:

9/4/05 I return to states for my school year.

11/20-28/05 I fly to China. meet her parents--plead my

seriousness to them, and formally propose. Build

up family picture base.

12/16-1/4 fly to china with my parents (perhaps my bro' and

sis-in-law) to introduce everyone. Travel as a large

group. Many pictures to ensue.

March 2006 I visit again--perhaps more travel.

Summer 2006 we would have liked to have been married, but that

seems unrealist given INS....so I imagine I will be

here in China.


I guess I am afraid that too early of a submission will make us appear too much like a sham marriage, but we would like to get our lives started as soon as possible. When does the actual personal information come into play? Is November too early in your opinions? Or will we not need personal pictures until the interview and in such case November would seem to be fine. Also any tips of things my SO and I should be doing now to help us down the road would be immensely appreciated.

Thank you and good luck to all!

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Once you have pictures of the both of you together start your petition and send those pictures in with it. If you have pictures of yourself with her family that would have been better. I would'nt wait until I meet with her parents in November just to have those pictures sent with the petition. Three more months means more waiting time added. You may submit family pictures at the interview. You have a long waiting time for whatever type of petition you decide to file. If you file now or not, start looking through the forms now. This way you can start gathering the information that you will need from her in the future. Go to the CFL links for further info.


This is a caution about filing the petition before you have met her parents. You have to know her well enough to judge what she will do if her parents say "NO". Most will stick with their parent's decision.


Good luck to you and your SO.

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I just wanted to clearify what I said above. If you really know that she'll marry you no matter what her parents say, then you can start your petition if you have some pictures of both of you together to send in now. This is just for saving time. You should wait for her parents blessings to be safe. Set the camera to stamp the date on the pictures.


Whatever you decide you should bring all the forms to China in November and fill them out there. Some info can be filled out before you leave for China. Once you're back in the states send the petition in immediately. Start gathering in separate folders emails, phone records, and etc. to your SO.

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If you are sure, then you should just go ahead and get the papers started NOW!!!


Why wait. You have a week so get a copy of the I-129F and G-325a. She will need to write her address in Chinese and sign the 325. You should be able to complete these this week. You will also need a basic letter from her stating she wishes to marry you.


She will need to get a Notary certificate single status and if she was divorced you will need to get a copy of that as well.


You've got all the evidence needed to file and if both of you are sure then don't put it off another minute. The process is long enough and there is no need to add a few months.


If you need to get these forms and are unable to download them from the US sites, just PM me with your email address and I'll send then to you.

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GO FOR IT!!!! Remember, this process takes approximately a year, so get going. Follow Lee's suggestion, but to take it a step further, download a copy of the DS-230 Part 1 also. Decide who should be the agent (you?) Form 3032 and have her sign that document so you will have it. There are many opportunities to prepare ahead of time with the documents for signature, etc..



check out the newbie information on the home page when you sign in, it will help provide some valuable tips.. kinda like Lee's....


best wishes and congratulations....

Edited by hankhoude (see edit history)
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I don't see the point in waiting.. I would submit ASAP.


You only have to prove you have meet 'face to face' in the last two years for a fiancee petition.. I would venture to say that many submit after the first meeting or time together...


You can view the contents of the financee package here... just follow this list and ask questions when needed:






Hank's comment about the 3032 is only if you are getting married FIRST and then submitting a marriage petition...

Edited by DavidZixuan (see edit history)
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I don't see the point in waiting.. I would submit ASAP. 


You only have to prove you have meet 'face to face' in the last two years for a fiancee petition..  I would venture to say that many submit after the first meeting or time together...


You can view the contents of the financee package here... just follow this list and ask questions when needed: 






Hank's comment about the 3032 is only if you are getting married FIRST and then submitting a marriage petition...


yep, d is right about the 3032

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I don't see the point in waiting.. I would submit ASAP. 


You only have to prove you have meet 'face to face' in the last two years for a fiancee petition..  I would venture to say that many submit after the first meeting or time together...


You can view the contents of the financee package here... just follow this list and ask questions when needed: 






Hank's comment about the 3032 is only if you are getting married FIRST and then submitting a marriage petition...


yep, d is right about the 3032


Hank, The PROFESSOR doesn't need anyone to know that he is right!

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Thanks for all of the advice. We will start the ball rolling. As for the parents, yes they are a concern, but they do know about me--just too early to formally ask the parents--they might be hoping I just disappear in the 2 1/2 months of separation (they know i plan to ask them in November).... Now i have to figure out the correct amount for the hongbao when i do meet them...

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